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Re: [Simulavr-devel] ATMega48 Crash

From: Michael N. Moran
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] ATMega48 Crash
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 18:26:34 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070727)

As if that wasn't verbose enough, here is some
more information. ;)

To help me debug this problem, I duplicated
the functionality in examples/atmega48/check.tcl
using C++. That allowed me to use GDB to track
down the failures.

If anyone is interested in seeing that C++ code
I'll be happy to send it to them.

Michael N. Moran wrote:

Thanks to Kurt's inspiration, I looked into the
sefaulting of the atmega48 and "solved" the problem
using this patch.

Index: hwmega48extirq.cpp
RCS file: /sources/simulavr/simulavrxx/src/hwmega48extirq.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1 hwmega48extirq.cpp
<     for (int tt =0; tt<4; tt++) {
 >     for (int tt =0; tt<2; tt++) {

Apparently, we were iterating beyond the bounds
of the initialized portion of the pinI vector.
It seems that only the first two slots were
initialized in the constructor for p0, and p1.

I have not, however, taken the time to understand
what the code is trying to accomplish. Therefore,
I don't know if this is a "correct" fix.

Either way, this "fixed" the segfault.

However, after this was fixed, the SPI code caused
a "crash" with the following message:

"device would be twice in cycle list"

Apparently, the HWSpi was adding itself to
the CycleList when it was already in the
cycle list. I added the following patch to
"fix" the problem. Apparently, when I originally
developed the HWSpi, the AddCycleList implementation
was not so ... picky.

Index: hwspi.cpp
RCS file: /sources/simulavr/simulavrxx/src/hwspi.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -r1.8 hwspi.cpp
 >             core->RemoveFromCycleList(this);

Basically, I (HWSpi) now removes itself from the
cycle list before adding itself. The act of removing
an element from the list does *not* fail if the element
was not already in the list.

I do not claim to actually understand the use of
the CycleList family of calls and any "documentation"/
comments is ... well ... missing. ;)

May I have *your* comments?

Michael N. Moran           (h) 770 516 7918
5009 Old Field Ct.         (c) 678 521 5460
Kennesaw, GA, USA 30144

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 and we never even know we have the key."
"Already Gone" by Jack Tempchin (recorded by The Eagles)

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