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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Python again ;-) and some other things

From: ThomasK
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Python again ;-) and some other things
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:05:03 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090409)

Hi Michael,

The LIBIBERTY variable never gets set.

You are right! I've trusted LIBS variable and havn't checked, what's set there. And the best variant to check it: ... try it! So I've seen, that libiberty.a will not be linked. But this isn't my problem: I get:

> python -c "import _pysimulavr"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: ./ undefined symbol: _ZN11SystemClock8InstanceEv

And also, if you look for the link call, then it's sure, that all objects from simulavr are not linked. Your make snippet uses instead of $(libsimulavr_la_OBJECTS) $(libsim_la_OBJECTS) and that's the problem on my site. (btw. I use standard CVS checkout, maybe you use some patches more, which I havn't)

Btw. is libm and libncurses necessary? And where it is used in simulavrxx?

I'm not so much interested in GUIs as the ability to write unit tests,
preferably on multi-processor systems.

Hm ... sounds for me, that we have nearly the same goals. My primary goal now is to get a possibility to use simulavr in unit tests for my coding. And for implementing ATMega16 support too to verify, that hardware like timers and so one run correctly.

That said, I've no objection to others using my work to write GUIs.

You wrote: "... using my work ..." - is pysimulavr.i from you (and in this case, I think, also make rules to build (this question only to know, who I could ask, if there are some questions)

He needs a grandmother clock.
He could call it Mrs. Ogg.

Nice! :-))

The address below is fine.

I'll see, if I've finished this. Next days ...

cu, Thomas

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