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[Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps
From: |
Peter Palfrader |
Subject: |
[Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps |
Date: |
Fri, 12 Mar 2004 13:59:58 +0100 |
User-agent: |
Mutt/ |
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Yaron M. Minsky wrote:
>> does SKS keep track of when it last updated a key? Because I would
>> really like to see an option to dump keys that were changed after a
>> certain date. Do you think this is possible?
> It's certainly possible. SKS keeps a log of every update that is made.
> In particular, it keeps a log of every time a key is added or deleted
> (and updating a key counts as a deletion of the old version and an
> addition of the new.) This would be fairly easy to do, although I don't
> have time to do it right now.
This implementation sucks, but it is a start and seems to work. Please
diff -Nur sks/build-tree/sks-1.0.6/Makefile sks-dump/sks-1.0.6/Makefile
--- sks/build-tree/sks-1.0.6/Makefile Mon Mar 8 21:35:17 2004
+++ sks-dump/sks-1.0.6/Makefile Fri Mar 12 06:03:18 2004
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
index.cmo mRindex.cmo pTreeDB.cmo \
sendmail.cmo recvmail.cmo mailsync.cmo stats.cmo \
clean_keydb.cmo build.cmo fastbuild.cmo pbuild.cmo merge_keyfiles.cmo \
- sksdump.cmo dbserver.cmo reconComm.cmo recoverList.cmo catchup.cmo \
+ sksdump.cmo sksincdump.cmo dbserver.cmo reconComm.cmo recoverList.cmo
catchup.cmo \
reconserver.cmo update_subkeys.cmo sks_do.cmo
diff -Nur sks/build-tree/sks-1.0.6/sks.ml sks-dump/sks-1.0.6/sks.ml
--- sks/build-tree/sks-1.0.6/sks.ml Sat Nov 29 15:25:51 2003
+++ sks-dump/sks-1.0.6/sks.ml Fri Mar 12 05:44:37 2004
@@ -96,6 +96,15 @@
M.run ()
+ { name = "incdump";
+ usage = "timestamp [filename]";
+ desc = "Create a raw dump of the keys in the database that got" ^
+ "updated after timestamp";
+ func = (fun () ->
+ let module M = Sksincdump.F(struct end) in
+ M.run ()
+ )
+ };
{ name = "merge";
usage = "";
desc = "Adds key from key files to existing database";
diff -Nur sks/build-tree/sks-1.0.6/sksincdump.ml
--- sks/build-tree/sks-1.0.6/sksincdump.ml Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ sks-dump/sks-1.0.6/sksincdump.ml Fri Mar 12 13:54:17 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+(* This file is part of SKS. SKS is free software; you can
+ redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ USA *)
+(* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 Yaron M. Minsky *)
+(* Copyright 2004 Peter Palfrader *)
+(** takes content of SKS keyserver and creates key dump files from that *)
+module F(M:sig end) =
+ open StdLabels
+ open MoreLabels
+ open Printf
+ open Common
+ open Packet
+ let settings = {
+ Keydb.withtxn = !Settings.transactions;
+ Keydb.cache_bytes = !Settings.cache_bytes;
+ Keydb.pagesize = !Settings.pagesize;
+ Keydb.dbdir = !Settings.dbdir;
+ Keydb.dumpdir = !Settings.dumpdir;
+ }
+ module Keydb = Keydb.Unsafe
+ let dump_database timestamp fname =
+ let maxsize = 250000 in
+ let log = Keydb.reverse_logquery ~maxsize timestamp in
+ if List.length log = 0 then
+ printf "No changes since timestamp\n"
+ else
+ let file = open_out fname in
+ let run () =
+ printf "Analyzing log."; flush stdout;
+ let adds = List.filter log ~f:(function (time,Add hash) -> true;
+ | (time,Delete hash) -> false ) in
+ let adds = List.map adds ~f:(fun (time, Add hash) -> hash) in
+ printf "."; flush stdout;
+ (*
+ let dels = List.filter log ~f:(function (time,Delete hash) -> true
+ | (time,Add hash) -> false ) in
+ let dels = List.map dels ~f:(fun (time, Delete hash) -> hash) in
+ printf "."; flush stdout;
+ (* O( n^2 ) alert. How expensive is requesting a hash that isn't there?
+ can we do better, should we? or just drop that whole filter
+ *)
+ let dump = List.filter adds ~f:(fun (hashadd) ->
+ List.exists dels ~f:(fun (hashdel) -> compare hashadd
hashdel == 0;) == false ) in
+ *)
+ (* printf "h1: %s; h2: %s; %b\n" (KeyHash.hexify hashadd)
(KeyHash.hexify hashdel) ((compare hashadd hashdel) == 0);
+ List.iter log ~f:(function (time,Add hash) -> printf "Add %s\n"
(KeyHash.hexify hash)
+ | (time,Delete hash) -> printf "Del %s\n"
(KeyHash.hexify hash) );
+ List.iter adds ~f:(function (hash) -> printf "ADD Add %s\n"
(KeyHash.hexify hash) );
+ List.iter dels ~f:(function (hash) -> printf "DEL Del %s\n"
(KeyHash.hexify hash) );
+ List.iter dump ~f:(function (hash) -> printf "dump %s\n"
(KeyHash.hexify hash) );
+ printf "Adds %d keys.\n" (List.length adds);
+ printf "Dels %d keys.\n" (List.length dels); *)
+ (*
+ printf "Dumping %d keys.\n" (List.length dump);
+ List.iter dump ~f:(fun (hash) ->
+ *)
+ printf "%d hashes updated in log. Some of them are probably gone
again.\n" (List.length adds);
+ List.iter adds ~f:(fun (hash) ->
+ try
+ flush stdout;
+ let keystring = Keydb.get_keystring_by_hash hash in
+ output_string file keystring;
+ (* printf "Dumped key %s\n" (KeyHash.hexify hash); *)
+ with
+ e -> printf ""
+ (*printf "Failed attempt to extract key %s\n"
(KeyHash.hexify hash); *)
+ (*signore (eplerror 2 e
+ "Failed attempt to extract key %s" (KeyHash.hexify
hash)) *)
+ )
+ in
+ protect ~f:run ~finally:(fun () -> close_out file)
+ exception Argument_error
+ let run () =
+ try (
+ match !Settings.anonlist with
+ | timestamp::tl ->
+ let name = match tl with
+ | [] -> "inc-sks-dump.pgp"
+ | [name] -> name
+ | _ -> raise Argument_error
+ in
+ set_logfile ".dump";
+ Keydb.open_dbs settings;
+ let timestamp = float_of_string timestamp in
+ dump_database timestamp name
+ | _ ->
+ raise Argument_error
+ ) with Argument_error ->
+ eprintf "wrong number of arguments\n";
+ eprintf "usage: sksdump timestamp(seconds since 1970) [dumpname]\n";
+ flush stderr;
+ exit (-1)
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- [Sks-devel] incremental dumps, Peter Palfrader, 2004/03/13
- [Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps, Yaron M. Minsky, 2004/03/12
- [Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps,
Peter Palfrader <=
- [Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps, Yaron M. Minsky, 2004/03/16
- Re: [Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps, Yaron Minsky, 2004/03/18
- Re: [Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps, Peter Palfrader, 2004/03/18
- Re: [Sks-devel] Re: incremental dumps, Yaron Minsky, 2004/03/18
- [Sks-devel] What's with these servers?, Chris Kuethe, 2004/03/21
- Re: [Sks-devel] What's with these servers?, Peter Palfrader, 2004/03/21
- Re: [Sks-devel] What's with these servers?, Bjoern Buerger, 2004/03/21
- Re: [Sks-devel] What's with these servers?, Jan Dreyer, 2004/03/21