This is called the "because we can" version and is intended to humiliate and expose the following persons in critical positions and doing little to nothing about SKS in general or about SKS in Debian with the exception of lame ass excuses of course. Gold Medal : Christoph Martin / address@hidden Silver Medal : Fabio M. Di Nitto / address@hidden Bronce Medal : John Clizbe / address@hidden Congratulations to all of you ! *** Requirements *** BDB 5.1 AMD64 platform Debian squeeze/wheezy/sid *** Installation *** This SKS binary may be used as a drop in replacement on every actual debian installation. Just put it in /usr/sbin/ *** Noteworthy *** - Based on the actual 1.1.3 from the google code page - Includes the actual Ocaml Crypto Kit 1.5 http:// - A lot of other useful patches - Version number changed to 1.1.4 *** Credits *** A huge thanks goes to Jens Leinenbach who made this software possible. Everybody who wants to complain about this text can reach me any time. Sebastian Urbach / address@hidden