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Re: [Sks-devel] Launching a new keyserver on!

From: Valentin Sundermann
Subject: Re: [Sks-devel] Launching a new keyserver on!
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 17:01:07 +0200
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> That doesn't seem likely to work.  AIUI the sks recon protocol doesn't just 
> ensure that all members of the network have a copy of every key but 
> that they have the same version of each key.  If the recon adapter 
> only deals in stripped keys then the reconciliation could never finally 
> succede and I suspect that an SKS server connecting to it would
> be launching a DOS attack on itself.

Oh, didn't know that. Do you think it's possible to store this state /
key versions without storing the identity parts? E.g. through keeping
only hashes of it?

Would be more complex than I anticipated and might not be possible at
all, but I'd prefer not having to operate an SKS instance next to the
hagrid one :)


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