On 10/14/2020 9:15 PM, Jeremy T. Bouse
Okay, so I have completed my move and finally had some time
to take a look back at trying to get
back online and started with trying to rebuild my Docker images
which I found the build to be failing in part to the repo
change. So I remembered the email here and updated my Dockerfile
download location and got the build going again. I was of course
getting the latest released version 1.1.6. This time when it
built if failed with the following:
[ much deleted for brevity
So reading up some I see it was moved to be expected as an
external link but couldn't see any updates to changes in the
build pre-requirements. So anyone else ran into this and solved
the build issues?
I had a lot of problems getting SKS up and running. I finally
found a good idea after talking to some of the gentoo devs on IRC.
Add net-misc/sks to your /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords,
then emerge sks again, it should grab a DATED version of sks
(sks_1.1.6_p20200624). That one compiled fine where as all others
seemed to want to die somewhere. Just be sure you have the
dev-ml/num package installed first, because that i will be needed
and I can't recall if this version includes that or not. Previous
versions omitted that dependency.
Dan Egli
On my Test server