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Re: [Social-discuss] Languages -- let's make a web application

From: Adrian Thurston
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] Languages -- let's make a web application
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 14:38:56 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

My opinion here is that something as fundamental as what GNU social aims to be should no limit itself to particular languages/environments based on what the cheap hosting providers are willing to host.

I don't expect the average internet user to go out and get a virtual private server, however. What I envision are GNU social service providers popping up in the same way that free email providers do.


Jason Self wrote:
Matt Lee <address@hidden> wrote ..
On 03/28/2010 02:03 PM, Henry Litwhiler wrote:

I don't see why users have to be able to use commodity hosting. If we
make it easy enough, anyone can host their own GNU Social install, p2p
Because I don't believe the majority of people will.

What will they host it on? The majority of Facebook users don't have a
machine they can install their own servers on. Being able to use this
from anywhere is key for success, and that means browser based.


Plus, remember that many ISPs (at least in the U.S.) prohibit their customers
from running "servers" under penalty of cancellation.

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