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Re: [Speechd] Speechd-el questions

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: [Speechd] Speechd-el questions
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2019 21:22:42 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.2 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "ND" == Nolan Darilek <address@hidden> writes:

    ND> I hope this is the list to which I can post speechd-el
    ND> questions.  


    ND> 2. It's a bit odd/inconsistent that I can use speechd-set-rate
    ND> and set a default rate for everything, but speechd-set-language
    ND> seems to only set the language in some circumstances. Text I
    ND> type seems to be spoken in my chosen language, but some messages
    ND> from Emacs are still spoken in the language that was used when
    ND> Emacs launched. In my case, typed/read text is spoken with en-US
    ND> while Emacs messages are British English. Is this a bug?

No.  Standard Emacs messages, which are supposed to be in English, are
spoken with language "en".  I think the particular "en" dialect is set
somewhere in configuration of Speech Dispatcher or its output modules.

    ND> 3. I've got some odd issue where, when editing my .emacs file,
    ND> the documentation for a function/variable under point is spoken
    ND> while the characters themselves aren't. So for instance if I
    ND> type `(setq ` in a Lisp buffer and arrow over that, I hear the
    ND> setq docs, not the characters themselves. Is there a fix for
    ND> this? As of now I'm editing my .emacs elsewhere or using
    ND> fundamental-mode because it's impossible to edit in lisp-mode.

This is eldoc-mode in action.  You can disable it with e.g.

  (global-eldoc-mode -1)

in your ~/.emacs.

    ND> 4. I'd like to use Emacs for development, and as such, spoken
    ND> indentation levels are important. Is this something supported by
    ND> faces, or is it possible to get Speechd-el to present
    ND> indentation levels somehow?

speechd-el should speak the current column after pressing TAB
(indent-for-tab-command).  Other than that, I don't think there is any
special support for speaking indentation.  Depending on what you need
exactly, you may achieve the desired effect by defining some hook.

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