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Re: Speechd-discuss Digest, Vol 58, Issue 3

From: DD
Subject: Re: Speechd-discuss Digest, Vol 58, Issue 3
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 08:39:40 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.18; emacs 29.2

Thank you for the information and sorry for my delay in replying.

I am deep in the weeds at the moment but have learned lots about s-d.
I've got various outpout modules installed that I've not been able to
use in the past, such as pico, but no piper quite yet.

I see that if any TTS provides a full command line utility it can be
integrated using the generic outout module.

I also see the python runner witch also allows one to use python programs.

I have been trying to write native C/C++ output modules
for piper and coqui .  Is it worth it?  Will the difference between
non-native and native C bindings be percievable?  Not sure, but
wondering if anyone is working on native modules and if not, would it be useful?

The other thing is that I am not always sure about what code is being
run and where it's outpout goes!  The systemd stuff is a source of
error/confusion for me so far.  Is there anything out there about how
people set up a dev environment for speechd?  I have other computers to
do TTS while I do dev on, so breaking the local TTS/SD is not a problem.

Lastly, I have heard SD has been proted to cygwin, but I haven't tried
it.  Wondering if there's any port to android/termux?  I have been
duplicating SD with a nodejs (yup, I'm crazy!) program that runs on
everything node runs on.  I like SD a lot more than my stuff, so I would
like to switch over everywhere.

Thanks, this is very exciting!!  It would be so good to have linux speak
nicely after so many years of stop-gap easpeak.  Very grateful for
easpeak but it steals my dignity when I need to use it in front of windows or
mac users who have great sounding, highly responsive, TTS voices.


speechd-discuss-request@nongnu.org writes:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: piper output module? (Kyle)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 20:05:29 -0400
> From: Kyle <kyle@gmx.it>
> To: speechd-discuss@nongnu.org
> Subject: Re: piper output module?
> Message-ID: <53462e27-c409-4b09-9ced-93fdf7000ac0@gmx.it>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> I just found a flatpak bundle called Pied. It needs some accessibility
> fixes for the buttons, but it got Piper working with speech-dispatcher
> here. Even lets me download voices and immediately use them. It is a bit
> less responsive than Espeak or DECTalk, but it is much more responsive
> than any other neural network speech synthesizer I have tried. I
> actually can use this with Orca without too much trouble.
> ~Kyle
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> ------------------------------
> End of Speechd-discuss Digest, Vol 58, Issue 3
> **********************************************

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