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Re: Can or does speech-dispatcher recover from a crash

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: Can or does speech-dispatcher recover from a crash
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:28:26 +0100


Brett Bergquist, le lun. 25 nov. 2024 13:09:28 -0500, a ecrit:
>     It used to be possible to run Speech Dispatcher as a system service under 
> a
>     special user (and still is, with some limitations), but this mode of
>     execution is strongly discouraged.

This is about "special user", i.e. not within the user session. Using
The speech-dispatcher.socket service should however be completely fine,
it's the systemd-provided way for auto-spawn.

> I am having trouble finding where the limitations are documented and the
> discouragement reasons.

It was mostly about audio access.

That being said, it'd be better to fix the auto-spawn into supporting
restarts :) https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/issues/973


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