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[STUMP] using asdf for clocc port

From: greg scott
Subject: [STUMP] using asdf for clocc port
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 20:21:31 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

this isn't directly related to stumpwm, but makes the setup more
similar for debian and non-debian users.

debian cmucl apparently comes with an asdf system definition for
clocc's port, ie. there is already a port.asd file somewhere.

but for those using other distros, a few simple steps are needed:
0. create the system definition file port.asd
1. make a symlink to port.asd in the asdf "registry" directory
2. clean up old port entries in ~/.cmucl-init.lisp and add an asdf entry
3. restore part of stumpwm.asd that was commented out:
   ; :depends-on (:clx :port)
   :depends-on (:port)

after doing all this, the only difference between the debian users and the
rest of us will be that we need to remove the depends-on clx from stumpwm.asd,
since we are using cmucl's clx, which is not part of asdf.

[since clocc comes with clx.asd, i tried using clocc's clx. there was a minor
issue where you have to satisfy a dependency on split-sequence, but it all
worked. however i did see eventually see some clx error's, that i never got
using cmucl's clx. so i made the lazy choice to stick with cmucl's clx.]

here are steps 0-3 details.

0. create $MY_PATH/cl/clocc/src/port/port.asd
;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*-
(in-package :asdf)

(defsystem :port
    :components ((:file "ext")
                 (:file "gray")
                 (:file "net")
                 (:file "path")
                 (:file "proc")
                 (:file "shell")
                 (:file "sys")))

1. cd $MY_PATH/cl/systems
   ln -s  $MY_PATH/clocc/src/port/port.asd .
2. the cleaned-up ~/.cmucl-init.lisp
   [make sure to use full paths (not ~ for home directory) when
   expanding $MY_PATH in ~/.cmucl-init.lisp.]

(setq ext:*gc-verbose* nil)

;; swank section
(load #p"$MY_PATH/.slime/fasl/cmu-19a/nregex.x86f")
(load #p"$MY_PATH/.slime/fasl/cmu-19a/swank-backend.x86f")
(load #p"$MY_PATH/.slime/fasl/cmu-19a/swank.x86f")
(load #p"$MY_PATH/.slime/fasl/cmu-19a/swank-cmucl.x86f")
(load #p"$MY_PATH/.slime/fasl/cmu-19a/swank-source-path-parser.x86f")

(swank:create-swank-server 4005 :spawn)

;; clocc section
(setq *clocc-root* "$MY_PATH/cl/clocc/")
(load "$MY_PATH/cl/clocc/clocc")

;; asdf section
#-:asdf (load "$MY_PATH/CVS/asdf/asdf")
(pushnew "$MY_PATH/cl/systems/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)

;; cmucl clx
(require 'clx)

;; port
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'port)

;; stumpwm section
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'stumpwm)

3. make sure stumpwm.asd now has
   :depends-on (:port)
  [you may have commented out or deleted the default
   :depends-on (:clx :port), but we need just the port dependency.]

greg scott

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