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[STUMP] [PATCH] Modified to remove use of run-shell-command.

From: Ian Ross
Subject: [STUMP] [PATCH] Modified to remove use of run-shell-command.
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 21:19:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

- Remove all run-shell-command calls in contrib/battery.lisp and replace
  with native file processing.
 contrib/battery.lisp |   44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/battery.lisp b/contrib/battery.lisp
index 9be6ae2..1f2ac02 100644
--- a/contrib/battery.lisp
+++ b/contrib/battery.lisp
@@ -42,26 +42,42 @@
 (defvar *bat-remain-time* nil)
 (defvar *bat-prev-time* 0)
+(defun read-battery-file (battery fname)
+  (let ((fields (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+    (with-open-file (s (concatenate 'string "/proc/acpi/battery/" battery "/" 
+      (do ((line (read-line s nil nil) (read-line s nil nil)))
+          ((null line) fields)
+        (let ((split (cl-ppcre:split ":\\s*" line)))
+          (setf (gethash (string-trim '(#\Space) (car split)) fields)
+                (string-trim '(#\Space) (cadr split))))))))
 (defun current-battery-charge ()
   "Calculate remaining battery charge. Don't make calculation more than once 
in 15 seconds."
   (let ((now (/ (get-internal-real-time) internal-time-units-per-second)))
     (when (or (= 0 *bat-prev-time*) (>= (- now *bat-prev-time*) 15))
       (setf *bat-prev-time* now)
-      (if (string= "no" (string-trim '(#\Newline) (run-shell-command "grep 
present /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep -o -e '\\w*$'" t)))
-         (setq *bat-state* nil)
-         (let ((remain (parse-integer (run-shell-command "grep remaining\\ 
capacity /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | sed -n 's/[a-zA-Z\\ \\:]*//gp'" t)))
-               (rate (/ (parse-integer (run-shell-command "grep present\\ rate 
/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | sed -n 's/[a-zA-Z\\ \\:]*//gp'" t)) 60))
-               (full (parse-integer (run-shell-command "grep last\\ full\\ 
capacity /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info | sed -n 's/[a-zA-Z\\:\\ ]//gp'" t))))
-           (setq *bat-remain* (round (/ (* 100 remain) full))
-                 *bat-state* (string-trim '(#\Newline) (run-shell-command 
"grep charging\\ state /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep -o -e '\\w*$'" t))
-                 *bat-remain-time* nil)
+      (let ((battery-state (read-battery-file "BAT0" "state"))
+            (battery-info (read-battery-file "BAT0" "info")))
+        (if (string= "no" (gethash "present" battery-state))
+            (setq *bat-state* nil)
+            (let ((charge-state (gethash "charging state" battery-state))
+                  (remain (parse-integer (gethash "remaining capacity" 
+                                         :junk-allowed t))
+                  (rate (/ (or (parse-integer (gethash "present rate" 
+                                              :junk-allowed t) 0) 60))
+                  (full (parse-integer (gethash "design capacity" battery-info)
+                                       :junk-allowed t)))
+              (setq *bat-remain* (round (/ (* 100 remain) full))
+                    *bat-state* charge-state
+                    *bat-remain-time* nil)
-           (when (> rate 0)
-             (let* ((online (round (/ (if (string= "charging" *bat-state*) (- 
full remain) remain) rate))))
-               (setq *bat-remain-time* (multiple-value-bind (h m) 
-                                           (truncate online 60)
-                                         (list h m))))))))))
+              (when (> rate 0)
+                (let* ((online (round (/ (if (string= "charging" *bat-state*)
+                                             (- full remain) remain)
+                                         rate))))
+                  (setq *bat-remain-time* (multiple-value-bind (h m) 
+                                              (truncate online 60)
+                                            (list h m)))))))))))
 (defun fmt-bat-charge (ml)
   "Returns a string representing the remaining battery charge (for laptop 

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