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[STUMP] stumpwm and slime in Debian.

From: Deepak Tripathi
Subject: [STUMP] stumpwm and slime in Debian.
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 14:34:12 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)


I have added following lines at my .stumpwm file.
| (load "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/swank-loader.lisp")
| (swank-loader:init)
| (defcommand swank () ()
|   (setf stumpwm:*top-level-error-action* :break)
|   (swank:create-server :port 4005
|                        :style swank:*communication-style*
|                        :dont-close t)
|   (echo-string (current-screen)
|              "Starting swank. M-x slime-connect RET RET, then
| (in-package
| stumpwm)."))
| (swank)
As per above instruction swank started at 4005 port. but when i connect
through slime-connect i get following error.

I am using Debian Gnu/Linux. Also note that i am able to start slime 

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Lisp connection closed unexpectedly")
|   signal(error ("Lisp connection closed unexpectedly"))
|   error("Lisp connection closed unexpectedly")
|   byte-code("\306\307!\306\310!\211\nL\210L\210\311\312J\f
\313\314\315\316\317D\317      D\320\257E\257!\210*\321\322\323 
address@hidden"\210\2023" [--cl-sexp-- --cl-tag-- tag sexp package 
slime-current-thread make-symbol "--tag--" "--sexp--" slime-dispatch-event 
:emacs-rex lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) apply #[(G21432 G21433 G21428) 
"address@hidden  address@hidden"J\235\2047\313\314JJ#\210\315J\316
       \"+\207" [G21428 tmp-21431 op-21429 rand-21430 --cl-rest-- value :ok 1 
signal wrong-number-of-arguments nil error "Reply to canceled synchronous eval 
request tag=%S sexp=%S" throw identity :abort 0 "Synchronous Lisp Evaluation 
aborted" "Elisp destructure-case failed: %S" G21433 slime-stack-eval-tags 
G21432 --cl-rest--] 6] quote --cl-rest-- t nil slime-connection process-status 
open error "Lisp connection closed unexpectedly" slime-accept-process-output 
0.01 conn inhibit-quit debug-on-quit] 13)
|   slime-eval((swank:swank-require (quote (swank-asdf swank-package-fu 
swank-presentations swank-fuzzy swank-fancy-inspector swank-c-p-c 
|   slime-load-contribs()
|   slime-set-connection-info(#<process SLIME Lisp> (:pid 19241 :style nil 
:encoding (:coding-system "iso-latin-1-unix" :external-format "#<ENCODING 
ISO-8859-1 UNIX>") :lisp-implementation (:type "CLISP" :name "clisp" :version 
"2.49 (2010-07-07) (built on [])" :program nil) 
:machine (:instance "debian []" :type "I686" :version "I686") 
:features (:linux :cl-ppcre :asdf2 :asdf :asdf-unix :clx-ansi-common-lisp :clx 
:readline :regexp :syscalls :i18n :loop :compiler :clos :mop :clisp :ansi-cl 
:common-lisp :lisp=cl :interpreter :sockets :generic-streams :logical-pathnames 
:screen :ffi :gettext :unicode :base-char=character :pc386 :unix) :modules 
("ASDF" "clx" "readline" "regexp" "syscalls" "i18n") :package (:name "STUMPWM" 
:prompt "STUMPWM") :version "2010-07-21"))
|   apply(slime-set-connection-info (#<process SLIME Lisp> (:pid 19241 :style 
nil :encoding (:coding-system "iso-latin-1-unix" :external-format "#<ENCODING 
ISO-8859-1 UNIX>") :lisp-implementation (:type "CLISP" :name "clisp" :version 
"2.49 (2010-07-07) (built on [])" :program nil) 
:machine (:instance "debian []" :type "I686" :version "I686") 
:features (:linux :cl-ppcre :asdf2 :asdf :asdf-unix :clx-ansi-common-lisp :clx 
:readline :regexp :syscalls :i18n :loop :compiler :clos :mop :clisp :ansi-cl 
:common-lisp :lisp=cl :interpreter :sockets :generic-streams :logical-pathnames 
:screen :ffi :gettext :unicode :base-char=character :pc386 :unix) :modules 
("ASDF" "clx" "readline" "regexp" "syscalls" "i18n") :package (:name "STUMPWM" 
:prompt "STUMPWM") :version "2010-07-21")))
|   (lambda (&rest more) (apply (quote slime-set-connection-info) (append ... 
more)))((:pid 19241 :style nil :encoding (:coding-system "iso-latin-1-unix" 
:external-format "#<ENCODING ISO-8859-1 UNIX>") :lisp-implementation (:type 
"CLISP" :name "clisp" :version "2.49 (2010-07-07) (built on 
[])" :program nil) :machine (:instance "debian []" :type 
"I686" :version "I686") :features (:linux :cl-ppcre :asdf2 :asdf :asdf-unix 
:clx-ansi-common-lisp :clx :readline :regexp :syscalls :i18n :loop :compiler 
:clos :mop :clisp :ansi-cl :common-lisp :lisp=cl :interpreter :sockets 
:generic-streams :logical-pathnames :screen :ffi :gettext :unicode 
:base-char=character :pc386 :unix) :modules ("ASDF" "clx" "readline" "regexp" 
"syscalls" "i18n") :package (:name "STUMPWM" :prompt "STUMPWM") :version 
|   #[(G21438 G21439 G21434) "address@hidden    
  \"+\207" [G21434 tmp-21437 op-21435 rand-21436 --cl-rest-- result :ok 1 
signal wrong-number-of-arguments nil :abort 0 message "Evaluation aborted." 
error "Elisp destructure-case failed: %S" G21439 G21438 --cl-rest--] 
6](--buffer-- --cont-- (:ok (:pid 19241 :style nil :encoding (:coding-system 
"iso-latin-1-unix" :external-format "#<ENCODING ISO-8859-1 UNIX>") 
:lisp-implementation (:type "CLISP" :name "clisp" :version "2.49 (2010-07-07) 
(built on [])" :program nil) :machine (:instance 
"debian []" :type "I686" :version "I686") :features (:linux :cl-ppcre 
:asdf2 :asdf :asdf-unix :clx-ansi-common-lisp :clx :readline :regexp :syscalls 
:i18n :loop :compiler :clos :mop :clisp :ansi-cl :common-lisp :lisp=cl 
:interpreter :sockets :generic-streams :logical-pathnames :screen :ffi :gettext 
:unicode :base-char=character :pc386 :unix) :modules ("ASDF" "clx" "readline" 
"regexp" "syscalls" "i18n") :package (:name "STUMPWM" :prompt "STUMPWM") 
:version "2010-07-21")))
|   apply(#[(G21438 G21439 G21434) "address@hidden      
  \"+\207" [G21434 tmp-21437 op-21435 rand-21436 --cl-rest-- result :ok 1 
signal wrong-number-of-arguments nil :abort 0 message "Evaluation aborted." 
error "Elisp destructure-case failed: %S" G21439 G21438 --cl-rest--] 6] 
--buffer-- --cont-- (:ok (:pid 19241 :style nil :encoding (:coding-system 
"iso-latin-1-unix" :external-format "#<ENCODING ISO-8859-1 UNIX>") 
:lisp-implementation (:type "CLISP" :name "clisp" :version "2.49 (2010-07-07) 
(built on [])" :program nil) :machine (:instance 
"debian []" :type "I686" :version "I686") :features (:linux :cl-ppcre 
:asdf2 :asdf :asdf-unix :clx-ansi-common-lisp :clx :readline :regexp :syscalls 
:i18n :loop :compiler :clos :mop :clisp :ansi-cl :common-lisp :lisp=cl 
:interpreter :sockets :generic-streams :logical-pathnames :screen :ffi :gettext 
:unicode :base-char=character :pc386 :unix) :modules ("ASDF" "clx" "readline" 
"regexp" "syscalls" "i18n") :package (:name "STUMPWM" :prompt "STUMPWM") 
:version "2010-07-21")))
|   (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply #[... "address@hidden    
  \"+\207" [G21434 tmp-21437 op-21435 rand-21436 --cl-rest-- result :ok 1 
signal wrong-number-of-arguments nil :abort 0 message "Evaluation aborted." 
error "Elisp destructure-case failed: %S" G21439 G21438 --cl-rest--] 6] (quote 
--buffer--) (quote --cont--) --cl-rest--))((:ok (:pid 19241 :style nil 
:encoding (:coding-system "iso-latin-1-unix" :external-format "#<ENCODING 
ISO-8859-1 UNIX>") :lisp-implementation (:type "CLISP" :name "clisp" :version 
"2.49 (2010-07-07) (built on [])" :program nil) 
:machine (:instance "debian []" :type "I686" :version "I686") 
:features (:linux :cl-ppcre :asdf2 :asdf :asdf-unix :clx-ansi-common-lisp :clx 
:readline :regexp :syscalls :i18n :loop :compiler :clos :mop :clisp :ansi-cl 
:common-lisp :lisp=cl :interpreter :sockets :generic-streams :logical-pathnames 
:screen :ffi :gettext :unicode :base-char=character :pc386 :unix) :modules 
("ASDF" "clx" "readline" "regexp" "syscalls" "i18n") :package (:name "STUMPWM" 
:prompt "STUMPWM") :version "2010-07-21")))
|   slime-dispatch-event((:return (:ok (:pid 19241 :style nil :encoding ... 
:lisp-implementation ... :machine ... :features ... :modules ... :package ... 
:version "2010-07-21")) 1) #<process SLIME Lisp>)
|   slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
|   slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> "(:indentation-update 
((\"with-c-var\" . 1) (\"with-c-place\" . 1) (\"with-foreign-string\" . 1) 
(\"with-foreign-object\" . 1) (\"with-defining-c-type\" . 1) 
(\"with-name/options\" . 1) (\"with-window\" . 0) (\"with-output-to-printer\" . 
1) (\"define-setf-method\" . 2) (\"letf*\" . 1) (\"letf\" . 1) 
(\"muffle-cerrors\" . 0) (\"without-global-handlers\" . 0) 
(\"with-http-output\" . 1) (\"with-collect\" . 1) (\"with-http-input\" . 1) 
(\"without-package-lock\" . 1) (\"appease-cerrors\" . 0) (\"with-restarts\" . 
1) (\"fcase\" . 2) (\"exit-on-error\" . 0) (\"with-keyboard\" . 0) (\"doseq\" . 
1) (\"without-floating-point-underflow\" . 0) (\"with-gensyms\" . 1) 
(\"with-html-output\" . 1) (\"dohash\" . 1) (\"abort-on-error\" . 0) 
(\"generic-flet\" . 1) (\"generic-labels\" . 1) (\"formatter-bind-terminator\" 
. 0) (\"with-augmented-load-path\" . 1) (\"with-no-package-lock-internal\" . 1) 
(\"try-eval\" . 0) (\"eval-when-compile\" . 0) (\"with-stream-s-expression\" . 
1) (\"formatter-bind-args\" . 0) (\"formatter-bind-block\" . 0) 
(\"with-fill-stream\" . 1) (\"defformat-simple\" . 3) (\"predefun\" . 2) 
(\"predefmacro\" . 2) (\"simple-destructuring-bind\" . 2) 
(\"formatter-bind-terminators\" . 0) (\"defmacro-special\" . 0) 
(\"with-abort-restart\" . 1) (\"with-slots\" . 2) (\"with-accessors\" . 2) 
(\"define-compiler-macro\" . 2) (\"deftype\" . 2) (\"define-setf-expander\" . 
2) (\"with-stream-lock\" . 1) (\"with-loop-split\" . 1) (\"defun\" . 2) 
(\"defmacro\" . 2) (\"event-cond\" . 1) (\"event-case\" . 1) 
(\"with-event-queue\" . 1) (\"with-gcontext\" . 1) (\"with-state\" . 1) 
(\"with-open-display\" . 1) (\"with-server-grabbed\" . 1) 
(\"resource-with-open-file\" . 1) (\"while-collecting\" . 1) (\"defsystem\" . 
1) (\"do-matches\" . 1) (\"do-scans\" . 1) (\"do-matches-as-strings\" . 1) 
(\"do-register-groups\" . 2) (\"register-groups-bind\" . 2) 
(\"with-unique-names\" . 1) (\"insert-char-class-tester\" . 1) 
(\"with-rebinding\" . 1) (\"regex-apropos-aux\" . 1) (\"with-data-file\" . 1) 
(\"define-stumpwm-type\" . 2) (\"with-restarts-menu\" . 0) 
(\"define-stumpwm-command\" . 2) (\"defcommand\" . 3) (\"save-frame-excursion\" 
. 0) (\"with-current-screen\" . 1) (\"with-focus\" . 1) 
(\"define-stump-event-handler\" . 2) (\"with-compilation-hooks\" . 1) 
(\"with-struct\" . 2) (\"when-let\" . 1) 
(\"converting-errors-to-error-location\" . 0) (\"compile-file-frobbing-notes\" 
. 1) (\"with-slime-output-stream\" . 1) (\"dynamic-flet\" . 1) 
(\"defimplementation\" . 2) (\"with-monitoring\" . 2) (\"with-time/cons\" . 2) 
(\"match\" . 1) (\"with-panic-handler\" . 1) (\"with-slime-interrupts\" . 0) 
(\"with-top-level-restart\" . 1) (\"with-connection\" . 1) 
(\"with-retry-restart\" . 1) (\"without-printing-errors\" . 1) 
(\"with-bindings\" . 1) (\"with-struct*\" . 1) (\"define-channel-method\" . 2) 
(\"defslimefun\" . 2) (\"do-symbols*\" . 1) (\"with-swank-error-handler\" . 1) 
(\"without-slime-interrupts\" . 0) (\"with-buffer-syntax\" . 1) 
(\"with-io-redirection\" . 1) (\"with-describe-settings\" . 1)))000306(:return 
(:ok (:pid 19241 :style nil :encoding (:coding-system \"iso-latin-1-unix\" 
:external-format \"#<ENCODING ISO-8859-1 UNIX>\") :lisp-implementation (:type 
\"CLISP\" :name \"clisp\" :version \"2.49 (2010-07-07) (built on [])\" :program nil) :machine (:instance \"debian 
[]\" :type \"I686\" :version \"I686\") :features (:linux :cl-ppcre 
:asdf2 :asdf :asdf-unix :clx-ansi-common-lisp :clx :readline :regexp :syscalls 
:i18n :loop :compiler :clos :mop :clisp :ansi-cl :common-lisp :lisp=cl 
:interpreter :sockets :generic-streams :logical-pathnames :screen :ffi :gettext 
:unicode :base-char=character :pc386 :unix) :modules (\"ASDF\" \"clx\" 
\"readline\" \"regexp\" \"syscalls\" \"i18n\") :package (:name \"STUMPWM\" 
:prompt \"STUMPWM\") :version \"2010-07-21\")) 1)")

| Life's Too Short, Write Fast Code, Use emacs :) 
| Deepak Tripathi(gnumonk)
| irc: | nick: deepak, gnumonk
| irc: | nick: gnumonk
| web: 

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