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Re: [STUMP] [PATCH] Initial interface to pwsafe password keyring. Two ne

From: Wojciech Meyer
Subject: Re: [STUMP] [PATCH] Initial interface to pwsafe password keyring. Two new commands: `pwsafe-menu', `pwsafe-entry'.
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2011 23:46:11 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Ping ;) Please see the patch in my previous e-mails.


Wojciech Meyer <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi,
> Could anybody review the patch please, I wish this contribution will end
> up eventually in Stump. As a sort of encouragement I have more ideas and
> patches to go soon. I did my best for you to spend as minimal time as
> it's needed on reviewing it.
> Wojciech
> Wojciech Meyer <address@hidden> writes:
>> Ping ;)
>> Wojciech Meyer <address@hidden> writes:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> Since I've been using pwsafe quite often, and I've never felt
>>> comfortable with using available gui interfaces, Emacs mode has never
>>> worked for me, and more importantly now there is a way of handling
>>> passwords in StumpWM, I've been yield to temptation to write an
>>> interface for StumpWM to handle basic pwsafe work-flow - selecting
>>> account and getting password and the user name.
>>> Please accept this small contribution to Stump and I hope you will
>>> enjoy!
>>> Cheers;
>>> Wojciech
>>> From c9e6224e16b9d3f4a6494b44acf7c53b336493b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
>>> From: Wojciech Meyer <address@hidden>
>>> Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 01:16:32 +0100
>>> Subject: [PATCH] Initial interface to pwsafe password keyring. Two new 
>>> commands: `pwsafe-menu', `pwsafe-entry'.
>>> Signed-off-by: Wojciech Meyer <address@hidden>
>>> ---
>>>  contrib/pwsafe.lisp |  161 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  1 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
>>>  create mode 100644 contrib/pwsafe.lisp
>>> diff --git a/contrib/pwsafe.lisp b/contrib/pwsafe.lisp
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..3ae9451
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/contrib/pwsafe.lisp
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
>>> +;;; Interface to pwsafe keyring
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; Copyright 2011 Wojciech Meyer
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; Maintainer: Wojciech Meyer
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
>>> +;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>>> +;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
>>> +;;; any later version.
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>>> +;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>>> +;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>>> +;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
>>> +;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
>>> +;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
>>> +;;;
>>> +
>>> +;;; USAGE:
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; Put:
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;;     (load-module "pwsafe")
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; ...into your ~/.stumpwmrc
>>> +;;;
>>> +
>>> +;;; BUGS:
>>> +;;;
>>> +;;; Not very safe since the master password is not only stored in memory 
>>> +;;; but also echoed through unix pipe. 
>>> +;;; You've been warned.
>>> +;;; If anybody knows how to improve it just mail me or send a patch.
>>> +
>>> +;;; CODE:
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +(defpackage :stumpwm.contrib.pwsafe
>>> +  (:use :common-lisp :stumpwm))
>>> +
>>> +(in-package :stumpwm.contrib.pwsafe)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +(defstruct pwsafe-entry
>>> +  "Our structure holding entry data. Master password stored for each
>>> +entry therefore VERY UNSAFE."
>>> +  password 
>>> +  name 
>>> +  user-name)
>>> +
>>> +(defun lines-from-string (string)
>>> +  "Boiler plate for splitting STRING buffer to lines.  Rewritten
>>> +thousands of times already"
>>> +  (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
>>> +        as j = (position #\Newline string :start i)
>>> +        collect (subseq string i j)
>>> +        while j))
>>> +
>>> +(defun pair-split (entry separator)
>>> +  "Split two ENTRY sections separated by SEPARATOR into pair"
>>> +  (let ((lst (cl-ppcre:split separator entry)))
>>> +    (cons (remove #\Newline (car lst)) (remove #\Newline (cadr lst)))))
>>> +
>>> +(defun command-options (options &optional argument) 
>>> +  "Create command OPTIONS with optional ARGUMENTS.  BUGS: Need to
>>> +insert space after each switch, should interleave space."
>>> +  (format nil "~a ~a" 
>>> +          (if (listp options) 
>>> +              (apply #'concat options) options) 
>>> +          (or argument "") t))
>>> +
>>> +(defun pwsafe-command (password options &optional argument) 
>>> +  "Execute pwsafe command using master PASSWORD with OPTIONS and
>>> +additional ARGUMENT. Not safe."
>>> +  (format nil "echo \"~a\" | pwsafe ~a" password (command-options options 
>>> argument)))
>>> +
>>> +(defun with-xsel (command &optional options)
>>> +  "Pipe COMMAND with OPTIONS to xsel."
>>> +  (format nil "~a | xsel ~a" command (or options "")))
>>> +
>>> +(defun pwsafe-entry-from-line (password line) 
>>> +  "Create entry from LINE and master PASSWORD. Not safe."
>>> +  (let* ((line (or (cdr (pair-split line "Enter passphrase for.*:")) line))
>>> +         (pair (pair-split line "  -  ")))
>>> +    (make-pwsafe-entry :password password 
>>> +                       :name (car pair)
>>> +                       :user-name (cdr pair))))
>>> +         
>>> +(defun run-pwsafe-command (password options &optional argument)
>>> +  (let ((output (run-shell-command (pwsafe-command password options 
>>> argument) t)))
>>> +    (when (cl-ppcre::scan "Passphrase is incorrect" output)
>>> +      (throw 'error "Passphrase is incorrect"))
>>> +    output))
>>> +
>>> +(defun pwsafe-entries (password)
>>> +  "Get all the entries using master PASSWORD and spawning pwsafe
>>> +command"
>>> +  (let ((output (run-pwsafe-command password '("-l"))))
>>> +         (mapcar
>>> +          (lambda (line) (pwsafe-entry-from-line password line))
>>> +          (lines-from-string output))))
>>> +
>>> +(defun assoc-entries (entries)
>>> +  "Create assoc from ENTRIES keyed by the name"
>>> +  (mapcar (lambda (entry) (cons (pwsafe-entry-name entry) entry)) entries))
>>> +
>>> +(defun pwsafe-password-to-clipboard (entry)
>>> +  "Main function that will perform side action on ENTRY with all the
>>> +associated side effects like priting message and putting password into
>>> +xclipboard"
>>> +  (let* ((pwsafe-entry (pwsafe-entry-name entry))
>>> +         (output 
>>> +          (run-pwsafe-command (pwsafe-entry-password entry) 
>>> +                           ;; FIXME: dirty hack, attempted to be nice
>>> +                           ;; and keep the options in list, however
>>> +                           ;; `pwsafe-command' is not interleaving
>>> +                           ;; them with space
>>> +                           '("-q " "-p " "--echo " "-E ") pwsafe-entry))
>>> +         ;; FIXME: this one is a bit buggy, it should be really not
>>> +         ;; calling pair-split it might not work in all cases
>>> +         (entry-password (cdr (pair-split output "passphrase for.*: "))))
>>> +    (set-x-selection entry-password)
>>> +    (run-shell-command (with-xsel (format nil "echo \"~a\"" 
>>> entry-password) "-ib") t)
>>> +    (message 
>>> +     (format nil "Username: ~a (password copied to clipboard)" 
>>> +             (pwsafe-entry-user-name entry)))))
>>> +
>>> +(defcommand pwsafe-menu (password) ((:password "Pwsafe password: "))
>>> +  "Prompt for PASSWORD. Show menu with pwsafe database entries. Let
>>> +the user choose entry, put password to clipboard and notify user about
>>> +associated username"
>>> +  (let* ((entries (pwsafe-entries password))
>>> +         (entry (select-from-menu (current-screen) 
>>> +                                  (assoc-entries entries))))
>>> +    (unless entry
>>> +      (throw 'error :abort))
>>> +    (pwsafe-password-to-clipboard (cdr entry))))
>>> +                         
>>> +(define-stumpwm-type :pwsafe-entry (input prompt)
>>> +  "This is our type for prompting entry, and performing completion."
>>> +  (or (argument-pop input)
>>> +      (let ((password (read-one-line (current-screen) "Pwsafe password: " 
>>> :password t)))
>>> +        (when password
>>> +          (let* ((entries (pwsafe-entries password))
>>> +                 (entries-assoc (assoc-entries entries))
>>> +                 (entry-name (completing-read (current-screen)
>>> +                                              prompt
>>> +                                              entries-assoc)))
>>> +            (cdr (assoc entry-name entries-assoc :test #'equal)))))))
>>> +             
>>> +
>>> +(defcommand pwsafe-entry (entry) ((:pwsafe-entry "Pwsafe entry: "))
>>> +  "Prompt for ENTRY with completion, put password in clipboard and
>>> +notify user about associated username"
>>> +    (unless entry
>>> +      (throw 'error :abort))
>>> +    (pwsafe-password-to-clipboard entry))

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