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Re: [STUMP] Removing currently focused window/frame from frame list

From: Burton Samograd
Subject: Re: [STUMP] Removing currently focused window/frame from frame list
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:16:25 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.92 (gnu/linux)

Burton Samograd <address@hidden> writes:
> I'm looking for a feature that would allow me to remove the currently
> focused window/frame from the frame list (or whatever list is used when
> calling the "fprev" and "fnext").  I thought I would ask here to see if
> anybody has anything that does that, if not I'll atttempt to write it
> myself.

The below code is for adding and removing frames from fnext (and fprev
if you have it defined like I do).  This binds Prefix-'-' and Prefix-'+'
to remove and add frames to the skip list.

(in-package :stumpwm)
(defparameter *focus-frame-skip-list* '())
(defun focus-frame-after (group frames)
  "Given a list of frames focus the next one in the list after
the current frame, except for those in *focus-frame-skip-list*."
  (let ((next-frame (tile-group-current-frame group)))
    (do ((rest (cdr (member next-frame frames :test 'eq))
               (cdr (member next-frame frames :test 'eq)))
         (frames-left (length frames) (1- frames-left)))
      (setf next-frame (if rest (car rest) (car frames)))
      (unless (member next-frame *focus-frame-skip-list*)
      (when (= frames-left 0) ; stop inifinite cycle
        (setf next-frame nil)
    (when next-frame
      (focus-frame group next-frame))))

(defun focus-skip-current-frame (group)
  (push (tile-group-current-frame group) *focus-frame-skip-list*))
(defun focus-unskip-current-frame (group)
  (setf *focus-frame-skip-list* (remove (tile-group-current-frame group)
(defcommand (fskip tile-group) () ()
            "Put the current frame into the fnext/fprev skip list."
            (focus-skip-current-frame (current-group)))
(defcommand (funskip tile-group) () ()
            "Take the current frame out of the fnext/fprev skip list."
            (focus-unskip-current-frame (current-group)))
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "-") "fskip")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "+") "funskip")

Burton Samograd

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