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Re: [STUMP] Bug: Stumpwm crashes when raising a VirtualBox VM window

From: Ernesto Alfonso
Subject: Re: [STUMP] Bug: Stumpwm crashes when raising a VirtualBox VM window
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:05:34 -0400

After digging into this further, I discovered that my VirtualBox "host key" (normally right Ctrl) was also mapped into my stumpwm's *top-map*, so I guess that both VirtualBox and stumpwm were trying to gain exclusive acccess, causing the "xlib:access-error".

I worked around this by one or more of the following:
1) Comment out the '(throw :top-level :quit)' in the error-handler function of stumpwm.lisp. Without further workarounds, this will cause VirtualBox to completely steal the keyboard, requiring it to be killed through another tty to regain control of stumpwm.
2) Change VirtualBox Host key to something not mapped in my *top-map* (in this case, I used leftshift+rightshit).
3) Disable the Auto Capture Keyboard option in the same menu

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Ernesto Alfonso <address@hidden> wrote:
Stumpwm crashes when raising VirtualBox VM

Stumpwm always crashes when raising a VirtualBox VM via a key shortcut, logging:
"Another window manager is running."

After redefining 'error-handler' to log the 'error-key', 'key-vals' as follows:

(defun error-handler (display error-key &rest key-vals &key asynchronous &allow-other-keys)
  "Handle X errors"
    ;; ignore asynchronous window errors
    ((and asynchronous
          (find error-key '(xlib:window-error xlib:drawable-error xlib:match-error)))
     (dformat 4 "Ignoring error: ~s~%" error-key))
    ((eq error-key 'xlib:access-error)
     (write-line "Another window manager is running.")
     (write-line (prin1-to-string error-key) )
     (write-line (prin1-to-string key-vals))
     (throw :top-level :quit))
     ;; all other asynchronous errors are printed.
      (message "Caught Asynchronous X Error: ~s ~s" error-key key-vals))
      (apply 'error error-key :display display :error-key error-key key-vals))))

I can see the X error that is being generated:

Another window manager is running.
xinit: connection to X server lost

Steps to reproduce:

1) Using Debian Wheezy 7.6
2) Using VirtualBox 4.1.18_Debian_r78361
3) Start any virtual machine
4) Start firefox
5) Raise the VM while firefox is raised
6) Enjoy the crash

Curiously, this doesn't seem to happen when switching from certain other windows to the VM, eg terminal->VM, or emacs->VM. It only seems to happen when switching from firefox->VM.

Of course, there may be many more ways to reproduce this, but this is one.

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