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Re: Participation

From: LRN
Subject: Re: Participation
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:10:38 +0400
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On 14.03.2014 1:15, Raghav Pande wrote:
> Hi, I am an undergrad Computer Science student. My interests
> include programming, reverse engineering. So far i have looked up
> ideas list in gnu, gdb, wget, libc, gnu net. These projects are
> interesting enough for me to work on them, and i have had past
> experience in programming under windows. Though the learning curve 
> won't be steep, i still have got no clue as to which project i
> should work upon. Can anyone point me to right direction?
I'm assuming you familiarized yourself with GSoC GNUnet 2014 ideas

GNUnet development would entail:
A) Network application programming (the "Social applications" idea)
B) Network protocol programming (the "Multicast" idea)
C) Network protocol/application programming + package manager
integration (the "Guix + GNUnet" idea).

There's been some discussion of (C) on GNUnet-developers mailing
list[2], you can get further insights from that thread.

You are unlikely to deal with sockets and other network stuff directly
(there are utility functions for that), the focus will likely be more
on correctly laying out distributed/networked applications logic.

You can do development on any OS. Experience in W32 programming is not
required (W32 compatibility layer is already in place, it is unlikely
that you'll have to expand it), but wouldn't hurc, obviously.

You'll need to know bare C (GNUnet utility library provides some
convenience functions, but not many, so knowledge of standard libc
functionality is important; unless you work on an app that can be more
free in its dependencies (i.e. can use glib, for example)).

Reverse engineering is not going to be required (at least for the
projects mentioned on the ideas page; you may be able to come up with
something different, obviously).

As for gdb, libc, etc, i'll let other projects' developers speak for
themselves. That said, it'll be simply awesome for someone to take a
stab at gdb on Windows (there are lots of improvements that could be
made there, such as better stack unwinding, support for MS debug info
format - and that would require reverse engineering!). There's also a
possibility to teach gcc to use Windows threading model in order to
provide C11/C++ threading support without relying on winpthreads
compatibility layer (that layer comes under MIT license that some
weirdos find too restrictive). Just some things off the top of my head.


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