I'm getting a continuous stream of warnings like this in my vastly modified version of heatbugs (as part of a learning process for myself, and working towards deciding what to do for my thesis next semester)...
Grid2d: you're overwriting object 26c128 at (82,45) with object 0x26ebc8 (Heatbug).
Grid2d does not support two objects in one place.
*** execution continuing...
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
Grid2d: you're overwriting object 26e4d8 at (62,78) with object 0x270208 (Heatbug).
Grid2d does not support two objects in one place.
*** execution continuing...
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
Grid2d: you're overwriting object 274b48 at (112,2) with object 0x273a68 (Heatbug).
Grid2d does not support two objects in one place.
*** execution continuing...
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
Grid2d: you're overwriting object 2375f8 at (57,14) with object 0x26e668 (Heatbug).
I have assert statements prior to every single move that a heatbug makes...
- (void)setX:(int)inX andY:(int)inY {
static BOOL firstTime = TRUE;
if((inX != [self x]) && (inY != [self y])) {
// Update heat where we were sitting.
[heatSpace addHeat:[self outputHeat] X:[self x] Y:[self y]];
NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Found agent %@ here, expected %@ (self)",
[world getObjectAtX:[self x] Y:[self y]], self];
if(!firstTime) {
NSAssert([world getObjectAtX:[self x] Y:[self y]] == self, s);
[world putObject:nil atX:[self x] Y:[self y]];
// And where we're going...
x = inX;
y = inY;
if(!firstTime) {
NSAssert([world getObjectAtX:[self x] Y:[self y]] == nil, @"shit 2");
firstTime = FALSE;
[world putObject:self atX:[self x] Y:[self y]];
}...These never get triggered, so as far as I can tell, the -setX:andY: will only ever work, iff the new position is vacant. If that is the case however, why am I getting these warnings?
Note: the reason for
firstTime is because the initial positioning of the heatbugs from
[HeatbugsModel -buildObjects] does no checking for double occupancy.
Nima Talebi
gpg: B51D 1F18 D8E2 B702 B027 23A4 E06B DAC1 BE70 ADC0