From: | Nima Talebi |
Subject: | Re: [swarm-hackers] Still learning the framework... |
Date: | Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:47:13 +1100 |
Err... disregard this particular and embarrassing email. I can't spell.I still can't figure out why I'm getting the warnings though.NimaOn Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Nima Talebi <address@hidden> wrote:Ahh crap, I think this is the problem...From the source, this is what I was expecting to get....@interface Diffuse2d: Ca2d <Diffuse2d>{double diffusionConstant;double evaporationRate;}+ create: aZone setSizeX: (unsigned)x Y: (unsigned)y setDiffusionConstant: (double)d setEvaporationRate: (double)e;+ createBegin: aZone;- initializeLattice;- setDiffusionConstant: (double)d;- setEvaporationRate: (double)e;- stepRule;@end...and this is what I actually got......now to figure out why. :/@interface Discrete2d: SwarmObject <Discrete2d>
BOOL objectFlag;
unsigned xsize, ysize;
id *lattice;
long *offsets;
+ create: (id <Zone>)aZone setSizeX: (unsigned)x Y: (unsigned)y;
- setSizeX: (unsigned)x Y: (unsigned)y;
- createEnd;
- makeOffsets;
- (id *)allocLattice;
- (unsigned)getSizeX;
- (unsigned)getSizeY;
- getObjectAtX: (unsigned)x Y: (unsigned)y;
- (long)getValueAtX: (unsigned)x Y: (unsigned)y;
- putObject: anObject atX: (unsigned)x Y: (unsigned)y;
- putValue: (long)v atX: (unsigned)x Y: (unsigned)y;
- fastFillWithValue: (long)aValue;
- fastFillWithObject: anObj;
- fillWithValue: (long)aValue;
- fillWithObject: anObj;
- setLattice: (id *)lattice;
- (void)setObjectFlag: (BOOL)objectFlag;
- (id *)getLattice;
- (long *)getOffsets;
- copyDiscrete2d: (id <Discrete2d>)a toDiscrete2d: (id <Discrete2d>)b;
- (int)setDiscrete2d: (id <Discrete2d>)a toFile: (const char *)filename;
- hdf5InCreate: hdf5Obj;
- hdf5In: hdf5Obj;
- (void)hdf5OutShallow: hdf5Obj;
- (void)hdf5OutDeep: (id <OutputStream>)hdf5Obj;
- (void)lispOutShallow: (id <OutputStream>)stream;
- (void)lispOutDeep: stream;
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Nima Talebi <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Scott, Okay I've taken your advice which has hugely simplified my code, and made things made a little more sense to me...I now have:@interface HeatSpace:Grid2d {
HBSize size;
HeatbugsModel *model;
...and looking at Grid2d...
@interface Grid2d: Discrete2d <Grid2d>
BOOL overwriteWarnings;
...and looking at Discrete2d...@interface Discrete2d: SwarmObject <Discrete2d>{BOOL objectFlag;@publicunsigned xsize, ysize;id *lattice;long *offsets;}...so far, so good.
Now what I don't get is this...
/Users/xerxes/devel/heatbugs/HeatbugsModel.m:127:0 /Users/xerxes/devel/heatbugs/HeatbugsModel.m:127: warning: 'HeatSpace' may not respond to '-setDiffusionConstant:'
/Users/xerxes/devel/heatbugs/HeatbugsModel.m:128:0 /Users/xerxes/devel/heatbugs/HeatbugsModel.m:128: warning: 'HeatSpace' may not respond to '-setEvaporationRate:'
...why not? HeatSpace is a Grid2d, which is a Diffuse2d, which offers those exact methods - what have I done that the inheritance is broken?
Note that the warning is real - and the code does crash - so it's not because I've used forward declarations and not #imported a header file or something silly like that.
I'm almost there though!
Just as a note - I had to set the display of both heatspace display, and heatbug displays to the 1 world (since I merged the Grid2d heatbugDisplay and Discrete2d heatSpaceDisplay into a single class based on our previous discussion.
heatSpaceDisplay = [Value2dDisplay createBegin:[self getZone]];
[heatSpaceDisplay setDiscrete2dToDisplay:[mainModel world]];
[heatSpaceDisplay setDisplayMappingM:DISP_MAP_M C:DISP_MAP_C]; //turn [0,32768) -> [0,64)
heatSpaceDisplay = [heatSpaceDisplay createEnd];
[heatSpaceDisplay updateDisplay];
heatbugDisplay = [Object2dDisplay createBegin:[self getZone]];
[heatbugDisplay setDiscrete2dToDisplay:[mainModel world]];
heatbugDisplay = [heatbugDisplay createEnd];
[heatbugDisplay updateDisplay];
...I'm not sure if that's going to cause a problem.
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Scott Christley <address@hidden> wrote:
On Nov 16, 2009, at 7:32 PM, Nima Talebi wrote:
Hi All,This bit of code about to be presented is merely a proof-of-concept (POC) for myself in learning the framework, and specifically the memory zoning.What I have here, is an attempt to create a new "HeatbugsWorld", which hides details such as....* The fact that it "is-a" SwarmWhy?* it conforms to Grid2dSubclassing is your friend in object-oriented programming. HeatSpace is already a subclass of Grid2d, actually it is a subclass of Diffuse2d which is a subclass of Grid2d, so maybe you just want to enhance the HeatSpace class?...and adds a few utility methods, for example...@class HeatbugsModel;@protocol HeatbugsWorld- (HBLength)width;- (HBLength)height;- (HBSize)size;@end@interface HeatbugsWorld:Swarm <Grid2d> {HBSize size;}+ (id)createBegin:(id)aZone withModel:(HeatbugsModel *)m andSize:(HBSize)s;- (HBLength)width;- (HBLength)height;- (HBSize)size;@end@implementation HeatbugsWorld+ (id)createBegin:(id)z withModel:(HeatbugsModel *)m andSize:(HBSize)s {HeatbugsWorld *this = [Grid2d create:m setSizeX:(int)s.width Y:(int)s.height];/*! Now set up the grid used to represent agent position... */this->size = s;return self;}- (HBLength)width {return size.width;}- (HBLength)height {return size.height;}- (HBSize)size {return size;}@end
...however, that crashes on `[Grid2d create:m setSizeX:(int)s.width Y:(int)s.height];'. The stack & crashlog...2009-11-17 14:20:40.679 Heatbugs[1157:6807] +[HeatbugsModel allocIVars:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0xa3b02009-11-17 14:20:40.680 Heatbugs[1157:6807] An uncaught exception was raised2009-11-17 14:20:40.680 Heatbugs[1157:6807] +[HeatbugsModel allocIVars:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0xa3b02009-11-17 14:20:40.682 Heatbugs[1157:6807] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[HeatbugsModel allocIVars:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0xa3b0'*** Call stack at first throw:(0 CoreFoundation 0x95a1358a __raiseError + 4101 libobjc.A.dylib 0x93460f49 objc_exception_throw + 562 CoreFoundation 0x95a5fa9b +[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 1873 CoreFoundation 0x959bb026 ___forwarding___ + 9504 CoreFoundation 0x959babf2 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 505 Swarm 0x000826bb +[Grid2d createBegin:] + 596 Swarm 0x00080b3c +[Discrete2d create:setSizeX:Y:] + 557 Swarm 0x0008267a +[Grid2d create:setSizeX:Y:] + 738 Heatbugs 0x00006e57 +[HeatbugsWorld createBegin:withModel:andSize:] + 559 Heatbugs 0x00003cf2 +[HeatbugsModel heatbugModelWithAZone:] + 33810 Swarm 0x0001e726 +[CreateDrop_s create:] + 4111 Heatbugs 0x00003221 -[HeatbugsGUI buildObjects] + 14512 Swarm 0x000860e6 -[OpenStepSwarmController newSimulation:] + 21113 Foundation 0x98c90964 -[NSThread main] + 4514 Foundation 0x98c90914 __NSThread__main__ + 149915 libSystem.B.dylib 0x94800f39 _pthread_start + 34516 libSystem.B.dylib 0x94800dbe thread_start + 34)1. Scott - based on what you said regarding zones - quite correctly - even a [HeatbugsWorld alloc] would crash - so I've removed all such methods and functions, but now I need to find a way of encapsulating swarm-framework implementation details from the user-app - mostly just to make sure that I can do it - and that I have a good understanding of how it all works.Yep, don't do it. Use the +create methods like everybody else.2. I'm also a little confused with protocols and classes that share the same name - such as Grid2d - is that how things should be done? Is that good practice - should I be doing it? :)Don't say an object conforms to a protocol, like Grid2D unless it actually does, and your class doesn't. If you want to add functionality then you should subclass Grid2D, that's what subclassing is for...3. Finally, notice that the [Grid2d create:setSizeX:Y:] takes no Zone info, could that be related to my problem? I did try [[Grid2d createBegin:z] ...] but had no luck there either.That means it uses the default global zone. You really don't need to get involved in using zones, just let the framework use the default._______________________________________________4. Sorry for the unlimited supply of newb-spam.
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Nima Talebi
web: http://ai.autonomy.net.au/People/Nima
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Nima Talebi
web: http://ai.autonomy.net.au/People/Nima
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Nima Talebi
web: http://ai.autonomy.net.au/People/Nima
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