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Re: [Swarm-Modelling] modelling antibody binding

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Modelling] modelling antibody binding
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:23:06 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

Hi Caroline,
I am a biologist, and would like to use swarm to model the dynamics of
antibody agglutination (I'll explain). Does anyone have any advice as to
how to go about it or where to find similar code (in java)? The
agglutination reaction involves antibodies of a particular type binding
to red blood cells of a corresponding type (there can be several
different types). Antibodies have two 'arms', and sometimes bind two
different red blood cells, one with each arm - effectively sticking the
them together into an 'agglutinate'. The antibodies and cells are moving
(due to rotation of the plate in the lab) so that over time, different
size agglutinates form, each made up of different types of
cells+antibodies (ranging from two up to a thousand cells).
While it is certainly possible to do this sort of thing in Swarm, I wonder if you might be better off investigating a specialized ABM-like package? For example,


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