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Re: Global random generator usage (java/Linux)

From: Benjamin Inden
Subject: Re: Global random generator usage (java/Linux)
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 16:09:22 +0100


"Marcus G. Daniels" wrote:

> >>>>> "BI" == Benjamin Inden <address@hidden> writes:
> BI> I wonder how I can use the global random generator with a
> BI> Bernoulli Distribution.
> BI> I also wonder how I can explicitly set the global random
> BI> generator's initial seed to a certain value.  I want just one
> BI> integer number to determine the whole run.
> See below for an example.  For the latter, you can use the -S option with a
> positive integer.

How can I use the -S option? I tried "-s=1", "-S=1", "--s=1", "--S=1", "-s 1", 
"-S 1", "--s 1", "--S 1", but
without success.

Benjamin Inden

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