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Re: [Taler] mint base URL subtleties

From: Florian Dold
Subject: Re: [Taler] mint base URL subtleties
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2015 18:10:10 +0100
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On 12/12/2015 05:54 PM, Christian Grothoff wrote:
> On 12/12/2015 05:08 PM, Florian Dold wrote:
>> On Dec 11, 2015 23:52, "Christian Grothoff" <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Tricky. How do you know it should be http://, and not https://? I think
>>> if we don't do 1a, then at least we should default to https. Asking a
>>> mint to run https or fail on auto-completion is better than using http
>>> with a mint that does offer https.
>> Sure, I agree. A fancier mint could even probe for https and fall back to
>> http.
> No, that would enable a downgrade attack.

Sure, we can be extra conservative here.

>> This makes kinda sense, as long as the fancy version of the wallet offers
>> to merge mints with different URLs but the same key.
> Why? "merging" would not change anything, except us fetching /keys twice
> and us offering two mints in the list of all mints to the user.

It makes sense from a UX perspective.  A user is likely to be very
confused if they view details for a mint in the wallet and it looks like
all their reserves/coins are gone, when in fact they're just in a
"different" mint with an extra/missing "s".

- Florian

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