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Re: [Taler] Taler user interface idea #2

From: Ryan Stewart
Subject: Re: [Taler] Taler user interface idea #2
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 10:53:54 -0800
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Nuanced answer here--

I would never use such a feature and would immediately disable it
in any software I used, or choose different software.


If my kid had a device and was using taler, I'de leave it on for at least a
short while, and possibly a long while if I thought it was an aid to them at
their current state of maturity.

A tough call. I'de hate this feature for myself, but I see how it could be good for certain
kinds of people- especially the young.

It would send a message about financial responsibility in a small way. 1000 such subtle small messages filtering to them via society at large might actually add up to something
in someone's moral/intellectual development.

That said, being "your brother's keeper" has always been a rather thankless job
throughout history.

Applied intelligently, it could be used to teach a small lesson in financial responsibility
to children and financially child-like adults.

Something akin to "parental controls". Useful for parents, but not of much use to them.

On 01/14/2017 07:48 AM, Richard Stallman wrote:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

Here's an idea: show on the screen an animation of paying each of
banknotes or coins that add up to that amount.  So if you pay 43
euros, it shows you a 20 moving across the screen, then another,
then 3 one-euro coins.

These animations should not be photorealistic.  That would be
difficult, maybe illegal, and certainly pointless.  They should
give the user the feeling of "I'm spending money here."  They should
take a few seconds, so it sinks in.  The more money, the slower.

Once again, the point here is _attention_, not _information_.
It is "remind me of what I know -- don't let me ignore it."

Like the other feature, this feature should be enabled by default.
When the user asks to turn it off, the program should say, "Most people
spend more money when payment is easy.  You might be an exception,
or you might be so rich it makes no difference.  Are you sure you
want to turn this off?"

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