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Re: [Taler] Help with translating GNU Taler (i18n)

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Taler] Help with translating GNU Taler (i18n)
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 10:58:15 +0100
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On 03/20/2017 10:25 AM, Changaco wrote:
> Hi,
> Have you considered using https://weblate.org/? It would simplify the 
> translation process.

I did not, as this is the first time I hear about it ;-).

Seems indeed useful, even though I personally don't like doing this kind
of work in a browser, but YMMV.  So we should probably put it on the
stack of tools to setup (help is welcome).

Fortunately,  Weblate will be able to import existing translations, so
we can use it or the process I proposed in my previous e-mail. However,
I suspect any particular language team should pick one or the other.

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