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Re: [Taler] Wallet to wallet transfers

From: Noufal Ibrahim
Subject: Re: [Taler] Wallet to wallet transfers
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:52:46 +0530

Hi Marcello,
   Your explanation makes sense.

    My scenario is a little different from all three parties having access to the same coins and the "first spender" being the person who gets to buy things.

    I (say as a parent) want to genuinely give money to someone else (say a child). This means that I can no longer spend that money but my child can.

    The sentence you've quoted was based on my understanding of how the protocol works. I gathered it form a talk Christian gave at a conference in India. My understanding is that once I give some coins to a merchant for some service, the merchant will not be able to spend those coins straight away. She has to communicate with the exchange and be issued coins that can be spent. Is that correct?


On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 1:41 PM, Marcello Stanisci <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello Noufal,

In Taler, "transferring money to another person's wallet" means you
give this other person your coins' private keys, and yes it is possible.

In the scenario you describe, there will be three persons having the
same coins' private keys: you, B, and C; and for the way Taler works,
the first person who spends those coins will actually be able to buy
something from merchant D.

So if C is the one meant to spend those coins, you and B should be
careful to not spend those coins you gave C.  As far as I know, this
care is not enforced by software/protocol.

Could you please elaborate more the sentence quoted below?

> The way I see it, once I receive money, I have to give it back to
> the exchange before it becomes "spendable" again.



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