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Re: [Taler] Coding style clang-format

From: Florian Dold
Subject: Re: [Taler] Coding style clang-format
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:53:36 +0200
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We have *tons* of third party code in akono (Android/Kotlin bindings for
node.js, part of the PF project), as well as the repository that is used
to build the GNU Taler wallet for wasm.

Putting /* clang-format off */ on top of every source file does not
quite work for these.

- Florian

On 4/18/19 2:48 PM, Christian Grothoff wrote:
> On 4/18/19 2:37 PM, Florian Dold wrote:
>> I think it's a great idea!  Since clang-format can reformat all of
>> GNUnet in <1s on my laptop, it should be fast enough to run as part of
>> every commit.
>> However, there must be an option to enable/disable this on a
>> per-repository or even per-path basis, since we do not want to re-format
>> third party code that is checked into our repos.
> Well, I generally would prefer to avoid checking in third party code
> into our repos, but you are of course right that this does sometimes
> happen for good reasons.
> But in that case, I think simply adding a /* clang-format off */ on top
> of the 3rd party code should do.  And of course the rule should only
> apply to C and H files in src/.

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