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Re: [Taler] GNU Taler was suggested to Brazil's Central Bank

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Re: [Taler] GNU Taler was suggested to Brazil's Central Bank
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 14:41:30 -0300
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Em 19/04/2020 10:05, Adonay Felipe Nogueira via Taler escreveu:
> Following Brazil's Central Bank announcement of a work group for
> studying a way to standarduze an instant payment system, I and other

Looks like Brazil decided to use a payment system developed by itself,
called PIX and, as far as I have talked with Brazil's Central Bank[1],
that system requires authorized clients to work, which are tied to
financial institution registry. They did provide pointers to the
detailed specifications of how PIX works. However, this implies that
making a bridge between GNU Taler and that system is going to require
studying and implementing it, which I can't do right now due to agenda
constraints, nor am I skilled programmer to do so.

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