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Re: [Taler] Friend to Friend Money Transfers with gnuTaler

From: Oezguer Kesim
Subject: Re: [Taler] Friend to Friend Money Transfers with gnuTaler
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 20:29:58 +0200

Thus spake Patrick Hutton (patrick.icthys@gmail.com):

> In the FAQ it was mentioned that person to person payments were being
> considered as a future feature.
> This raises the possible issue of robberies via a gnuTaler based app where
> a mugger forces a victim to transfer the balance from their phone to the
> criminals.
> To mitigate against this will the payees in person to person money
> transfers be treated like retailers in terms of auditing?

If I read the design docs at
correctly, P2P transfers are made possible via "accounts"
(== "permanent reserves") on the Exchange and those will require a KYC
process for the receiver.  So in the case of criminal activities, the
KYC process should allow law enforcement to identify the suspect.


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