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Re: [Taler] Taler for local currencies

From: Sebastian Javier Marchano
Subject: Re: [Taler] Taler for local currencies
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 08:46:56 -0300

Hi Daniel,

sounds like a good place to use GNU Taler if you have the correct infrastructure.
Personally, I don't know any project that has passed all the regulations to guarantee the correct usage of the capital (like AML or KYB).

Happy to help or answer any other questions.

On Wed, 29 Jun 2022 at 22:58, Daniel Gagnon <daniel.g.gagnon@gmail.com> wrote:

In Quebec City we have a local currency meant to boost the local economy
and encourage people locally. It kinda works like a physical Taler, the
mint echange canadian dollars for local dollars and gives that money
back to merchants when they bring the local money customers brought.

So far there are 450 participating local businesses and 180K of that
money that circulates. If I understood correctly how Taler works, it
would be a good digital complement. Do you know of any similar project
that used Taler in this manner?


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