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texinfo/tp TODO Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm Texinfo...

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: texinfo/tp TODO Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm Texinfo...
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 21:08:35 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/texinfo
Module name:    texinfo
Changes by:     Patrice Dumas <pertusus>        11/02/09 21:08:35

Modified files:
        tp             : TODO 
        tp/Texinfo/Convert: Info.pm Plaintext.pm 
        tp/t           : 02coverage.t 
        tp/t/results/test_count: commands.pl 
Added files:
        tp/t/results/coverage: punctuation_in_line_commands.pl 

Log message:
        Put line command arguments in frenchspacing when appropriate.


Index: TODO
RCS file: /sources/texinfo/texinfo/tp/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.79
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -u -b -r1.79 -r1.80
--- TODO        9 Feb 2011 08:24:23 -0000       1.79
+++ TODO        9 Feb 2011 21:08:34 -0000       1.80
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
 @ protecting end of lines in @def* is not kept in any way in the tree.
 Maybe it could be possible to have it as a 'type'?
address@hidden after|before|none
 test @anchor, @footnote and @cindex in @caption with @listoffloats.
 for i18n, one want to do something like

Index: Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm
RCS file: /sources/texinfo/texinfo/tp/Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -b -r1.21 -r1.22
--- Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm     5 Feb 2011 13:31:04 -0000       1.21
+++ Texinfo/Convert/Info.pm     9 Feb 2011 21:08:35 -0000       1.22
@@ -349,7 +349,11 @@
     #my @keys = keys(%$entry);
     #print STDERR "$index_name $entry: @keys\n";
     my $entry_tree = {'contents' => $entry->{'content'}};
-    $entry_tree->{'type'} = 'code' if ($in_code);
+    if ($in_code) {
+      $entry_tree->{'type'} = 'code';
+    } else {
+      $entry_tree->{'type'} = 'frenchspacing';
+    }
     my $entry_text = '';
     $entry_text .= $self->convert_line($entry_tree, {'indent' => 0});

Index: Texinfo/Convert/Plaintext.pm
RCS file: /sources/texinfo/texinfo/tp/Texinfo/Convert/Plaintext.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.78
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -b -r1.78 -r1.79
--- Texinfo/Convert/Plaintext.pm        8 Feb 2011 21:08:03 -0000       1.78
+++ Texinfo/Convert/Plaintext.pm        9 Feb 2011 21:08:35 -0000       1.79
@@ -902,7 +902,8 @@
   while ($section and $section ne $section_root) {
     push @{$self->{'count_context'}}, {'lines' => 0, 'bytes' => 0};
     my $section_title = $self->convert_line({'contents'
-                => $section->{'extra'}->{'misc_content'}});
+                => $section->{'extra'}->{'misc_content'},
+               'type' => 'frenchspacing'});
     pop @{$self->{'count_context'}};
     my $text = Texinfo::Convert::Text::numbered_heading($section, 
                             $section_title, $self->{'NUMBER_SECTIONS'})."\n";
@@ -1444,7 +1445,8 @@
       return $result;
     } elsif ($command eq 'titlefont') {
       push @{$self->{'count_context'}}, {'lines' => 0, 'bytes' => 0};
-      $result = $self->convert_line ($root->{'args'}->[0]);
+      $result = $self->convert_line ({'type' => 'frenchspacing',
+               'contents' => [$root->{'args'}->[0]]});
       pop @{$self->{'count_context'}};
       $result = Texinfo::Convert::Text::heading({'level' => 0, 
            'cmdname' => 'titlefont'}, $result, $self->{'NUMBER_SECTIONS'});
@@ -1498,6 +1500,7 @@
           my $prepended = $self->gdt('@b{{quotation_arg}:} ', 
              {'quotation_arg' => 
           #print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$prepended]);
+          $prepended->{'type'} = 'frenchspacing';
           $result .= $self->convert_line($prepended);
           $self->{'format_context'}->[-1]->{'counter'} += 
@@ -1568,7 +1571,8 @@
       if ($root->{'args'}) {
         push @{$self->{'count_context'}}, {'lines' => 0, 'bytes' => 0};
-        my $heading = $self->convert_line($root->{'args'}->[0]);
+        my $heading = $self->convert_line({'type' => 'frenchspacing',
+                         'contents' => [$root->{'args'}->[0]]});
         pop @{$self->{'count_context'}};
         # FIXME address@hidden and @c?
         my $heading_underlined = 
@@ -1603,7 +1607,8 @@
-      $result = $self->convert_line({'contents' => $contents},
+      $result = $self->convert_line({'type' => 'frenchspacing',
+                                     'contents' => $contents},
                     => $self->{'format_context'}->[-1]->{'indent_level'} -1});
       if ($result ne '') {
@@ -1667,7 +1672,8 @@
       push @{$self->{'count_context'}}, {'lines' => 0, 'bytes' => 0, 
                                                    'locations' => []};
       $result = $self->convert_line (
-                       {'contents' => $root->{'extra'}->{'misc_content'}},
+                       {'type' => 'frenchspacing',
+                        'contents' => $root->{'extra'}->{'misc_content'}},
                        {'indent_length' => 0});
       if ($result ne '') {
         $result = $self->ensure_end_of_line($result);
@@ -1737,6 +1743,7 @@
           #print STDERR "$float ".$self->convert_line($float_entry)."\n";
+          $float_entry->{'type'} = 'frenchspacing';
           my $float_line = $self->convert_line($float_entry);
           my $line_width 
              = Texinfo::Convert::Unicode::string_width($float_line);
@@ -1757,9 +1764,13 @@
             $self->{'multiple_pass'} = 1;
             push @{$self->{'context'}}, 'listoffloats';
             # FIXME should there be some indentation?
-            my $caption_text = $self->_convert({
-                     'contents' => $caption->{'args'}->[0]->{'contents'},
-                         'type' => $caption->{'cmdname'}.'_listoffloats'});
+            my $tree = {'contents' => $caption->{'args'}->[0]->{'contents'}};
+            # the following does nothing since there are paragraphs within
+            # the shortcaption.
+            #if ($caption->{'cmdname'} eq 'shortcaption') {
+            #  $tree->{'type'} = 'frenchspacing';
+            #}
+            my $caption_text = $self->_convert($tree);
             my $old_context = pop @{$self->{'context'}};
             delete $self->{'multiple_pass'};
             die if ($old_context ne 'listoffloats');
@@ -2231,6 +2242,7 @@
         if ($prepended) {
           #print STDERR "PREPENDED ".Data::Dumper->Dump([$prepended]);
+          $prepended->{'type'} = 'frenchspacing';
           my $float_number = $self->convert_line ($prepended);
           $result .= $float_number;
           $self->{'format_context'}->[-1]->{'counter'} += 
@@ -2240,7 +2252,14 @@
         if ($caption) {
           # FIXME not sure it is right.
           $self->{'format_context'}->[-1]->{'paragraph_count'} = 0;
-          $result .= $self->_convert($caption->{'args'}->[0]);
+          my $tree = $caption->{'args'}->[0];
+          # the frenchspacing is ignored since there are paragraphs within
+          # the shortcaption.
+          #if ($caption->{'cmdname'} eq 'shortcaption') {
+          #  $tree = {'type' => 'frenchspacing',
+          #           'contents' => [$caption->{'args'}->[0]]};
+          #}
+          $result .= $self->_convert($tree);
     } elsif ($root->{'cmdname'} eq 'quotation' and $root->{'extra'} 

Index: t/02coverage.t
RCS file: /sources/texinfo/texinfo/tp/t/02coverage.t,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -b -r1.35 -r1.36
--- t/02coverage.t      8 Feb 2011 21:08:03 -0000       1.35
+++ t/02coverage.t      9 Feb 2011 21:08:35 -0000       1.36
@@ -407,6 +407,45 @@
 @verbatiminclude incl-incl.txi
address@hidden node! After punc
address@hidden top! After punc
address@hidden @asis
address@hidden item! After punc
address@hidden table
address@hidden quotation arg! After punc
+In quotation
address@hidden exdent quotation! After punc
address@hidden quotation
address@hidden float type! After punc, float label! After punc
+In float
address@hidden After punc}
address@hidden float
address@hidden float type! After punc, label with caption
+In float with caption.
address@hidden After punc}
address@hidden float
address@hidden float type! After punc
address@hidden index! After punc
address@hidden heading! After punc
address@hidden After punc}
address@hidden center! After punc
address@hidden cp
 my @test_invalid = (

Index: t/results/test_count/commands.pl
RCS file: /sources/texinfo/texinfo/tp/t/results/test_count/commands.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -b -r1.6 -r1.7
--- t/results/test_count/commands.pl    6 Feb 2011 16:43:21 -0000       1.6
+++ t/results/test_count/commands.pl    9 Feb 2011 21:08:35 -0000       1.7
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
    [23] (44,6) :before_item
    [23] (44,6)
    [24] (44,6) @item
-    [25] (44,6) 
+    [25] (44,6) :frenchspacing
      [26] (44,6) @samp
       [27] (44,6) :brace_command_arg
        [28] (44,6) :text|vitem table|

Index: t/results/coverage/punctuation_in_line_commands.pl
RCS file: t/results/coverage/punctuation_in_line_commands.pl
diff -N t/results/coverage/punctuation_in_line_commands.pl
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ t/results/coverage/punctuation_in_line_commands.pl  9 Feb 2011 21:08:35 
-0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,1179 @@
+use vars qw(%result_texis %result_texts %result_trees %result_errors 
+   %result_indices %result_sectioning %result_nodes %result_menus
+   %result_floats %result_converted %result_converted_errors);
+$result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = {
+  'contents' => [
+    {
+      'contents' => [
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        }
+      ],
+      'parent' => {},
+      'type' => 'text_root'
+    },
+    {
+      'args' => [
+        {
+          'contents' => [
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => ' ',
+              'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+            },
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => 'node! After punc'
+            },
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => '
+              'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+            }
+          ],
+          'parent' => {},
+          'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+        }
+      ],
+      'cmdname' => 'node',
+      'contents' => [],
+      'extra' => {
+        'node_content' => [
+          {}
+        ],
+        'nodes_manuals' => [
+          {
+            'node_content' => [],
+            'normalized' => 'node_0021-After-punc'
+          }
+        ],
+        'normalized' => 'node_0021-After-punc'
+      },
+      'line_nr' => {
+        'file_name' => '',
+        'line_nr' => 2,
+        'macro' => ''
+      },
+      'parent' => {}
+    },
+    {
+      'args' => [
+        {
+          'contents' => [
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => ' ',
+              'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+            },
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => 'top! After punc'
+            },
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => '
+              'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+            }
+          ],
+          'parent' => {},
+          'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+        }
+      ],
+      'cmdname' => 'top',
+      'contents' => [
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'cmdname' => 'asis',
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'type' => 'command_as_argument'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'space_at_end_block_command'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'block_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'table',
+          'contents' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'before_item'
+            },
+            {
+              'args' => [
+                {
+                  'contents' => [
+                    {
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'text' => ' ',
+                      'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                    },
+                    {
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'text' => 'item! After punc'
+                    },
+                    {
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'text' => '
+                      'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+                    }
+                  ],
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+                }
+              ],
+              'cmdname' => 'item',
+              'extra' => {
+                'misc_content' => [
+                  {}
+                ]
+              },
+              'parent' => {}
+            }
+          ],
+          'extra' => {
+            'block_command_line_contents' => [
+              [
+                {}
+              ]
+            ],
+            'command_as_argument' => {}
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line_after_command'
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'quotation arg! After punc'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'space_at_end_block_command'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'block_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'quotation',
+          'contents' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'In quotation
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'paragraph'
+            },
+            {
+              'args' => [
+                {
+                  'contents' => [
+                    {
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'text' => ' ',
+                      'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                    },
+                    {
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'text' => 'exdent quotation! After punc'
+                    },
+                    {
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'text' => '
+                      'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+                    }
+                  ],
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+                }
+              ],
+              'cmdname' => 'exdent',
+              'extra' => {
+                'misc_content' => [
+                  {}
+                ]
+              },
+              'line_nr' => {
+                'file_name' => '',
+                'line_nr' => 11,
+                'macro' => ''
+              },
+              'parent' => {}
+            }
+          ],
+          'extra' => {
+            'block_command_line_contents' => [
+              [
+                {}
+              ]
+            ]
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line_after_command'
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'float type! After punc'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'block_line_arg'
+            },
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_before_argument'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'float label! After punc'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'space_at_end_block_command'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'block_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'float',
+          'contents' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'In float
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'paragraph'
+            },
+            {
+              'args' => [
+                {
+                  'contents' => [
+                    {
+                      'contents' => [
+                        {
+                          'parent' => {},
+                          'text' => 'shortcaption! After punc'
+                        }
+                      ],
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'type' => 'paragraph'
+                    }
+                  ],
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'type' => 'brace_command_context'
+                }
+              ],
+              'cmdname' => 'shortcaption',
+              'contents' => [],
+              'extra' => {
+                'float' => {}
+              },
+              'line_nr' => {
+                'file_name' => '',
+                'line_nr' => 16,
+                'macro' => ''
+              },
+              'parent' => {}
+            },
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => '
+            }
+          ],
+          'extra' => {
+            'block_command_line_contents' => [
+              [
+                {}
+              ],
+              [
+                {}
+              ]
+            ],
+            'node_content' => [
+              {}
+            ],
+            'normalized' => 'float-label_0021-After-punc',
+            'shortcaption' => {},
+            'type' => {
+              'content' => [
+                {}
+              ],
+              'normalized' => 'float-type_0021-After-punc'
+            }
+          },
+          'float_section' => {},
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 14,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'number' => 1,
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line_after_command'
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'float type! After punc'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'block_line_arg'
+            },
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_before_argument'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'label with caption'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'space_at_end_block_command'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'block_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'float',
+          'contents' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'In float with caption.
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'paragraph'
+            },
+            {
+              'args' => [
+                {
+                  'contents' => [
+                    {
+                      'contents' => [
+                        {
+                          'parent' => {},
+                          'text' => 'caption! After punc'
+                        }
+                      ],
+                      'parent' => {},
+                      'type' => 'paragraph'
+                    }
+                  ],
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'type' => 'brace_command_context'
+                }
+              ],
+              'cmdname' => 'caption',
+              'contents' => [],
+              'extra' => {
+                'float' => {}
+              },
+              'line_nr' => {
+                'file_name' => '',
+                'line_nr' => 21,
+                'macro' => ''
+              },
+              'parent' => {}
+            },
+            {
+              'parent' => {},
+              'text' => '
+            }
+          ],
+          'extra' => {
+            'block_command_line_contents' => [
+              [
+                {}
+              ],
+              [
+                {}
+              ]
+            ],
+            'caption' => {},
+            'node_content' => [
+              {}
+            ],
+            'normalized' => 'label-with-caption',
+            'type' => {
+              'content' => [
+                {}
+              ],
+              'normalized' => 'float-type_0021-After-punc'
+            }
+          },
+          'float_section' => {},
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 19,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'number' => 2,
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line_after_command'
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'float type! After punc'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'listoffloats',
+          'extra' => {
+            'type' => {
+              'content' => [
+                {}
+              ],
+              'normalized' => 'float-type_0021-After-punc'
+            }
+          },
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 24,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'index! After punc'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'cindex',
+          'extra' => {
+            'index_entry' => {
+              'command' => {},
+              'content' => [
+                {}
+              ],
+              'index_at_command' => 'cindex',
+              'index_name' => 'cp',
+              'index_prefix' => 'c',
+              'node' => {},
+              'number' => 1
+            },
+            'misc_content' => []
+          },
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 26,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'heading! After punc'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'heading',
+          'extra' => {
+            'misc_content' => [
+              {}
+            ]
+          },
+          'level' => 2,
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 28,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'titlefont! After punc'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'brace_command_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'titlefont',
+          'contents' => [],
+          'extra' => {
+            'brace_command_contents' => [
+              [
+                {}
+              ]
+            ]
+          },
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 30,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'center! After punc'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'center',
+          'extra' => {
+            'misc_content' => [
+              {}
+            ]
+          },
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 32,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'args' => [
+            {
+              'contents' => [
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => ' ',
+                  'type' => 'empty_spaces_after_command'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => 'cp'
+                },
+                {
+                  'parent' => {},
+                  'text' => '
+                  'type' => 'spaces_at_end'
+                }
+              ],
+              'parent' => {},
+              'type' => 'misc_line_arg'
+            }
+          ],
+          'cmdname' => 'printindex',
+          'extra' => {
+            'misc_args' => [
+              'cp'
+            ]
+          },
+          'line_nr' => {
+            'file_name' => '',
+            'line_nr' => 34,
+            'macro' => ''
+          },
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        },
+        {
+          'cmdname' => 'contents',
+          'parent' => {}
+        },
+        {
+          'parent' => {},
+          'text' => '
+          'type' => 'empty_line'
+        }
+      ],
+      'extra' => {
+        'misc_content' => [
+          {}
+        ]
+      },
+      'level' => 0,
+      'line_nr' => {
+        'file_name' => '',
+        'line_nr' => 3,
+        'macro' => ''
+      },
+      'parent' => {}
+    }
+  ],
+  'type' => 'document_root'
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[0];
+$result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[0]{'parent'} = 
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[1]{'args'}[0];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[1]{'args'}[0];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[1]{'args'}[0];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[1];
+$result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[1]{'parent'} = 
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'args'}[0];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'args'}[0];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'args'}[0];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[1];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[1];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[1];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[4];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[4];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[4];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[7];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[7];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[7];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[7];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[7];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[7];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[10];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[10];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[10];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[10];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[10];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[10];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[13];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[15];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[15];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[1];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[17];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[19];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[22];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'contents'}[24];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
 = $result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2];
+$result_trees{'punctuation_in_line_commands'}{'contents'}[2]{'parent'} = 
+$result_texis{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = '
address@hidden node! After punc
address@hidden top! After punc
address@hidden @asis
address@hidden item! After punc
address@hidden table
address@hidden quotation arg! After punc
+In quotation
address@hidden exdent quotation! After punc
address@hidden quotation
address@hidden float type! After punc, float label! After punc
+In float
address@hidden After punc}
address@hidden float
address@hidden float type! After punc, label with caption
+In float with caption.
address@hidden After punc}
address@hidden float
address@hidden float type! After punc
address@hidden index! After punc
address@hidden heading! After punc
address@hidden After punc}
address@hidden center! After punc
address@hidden cp
+$result_texts{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = '
+top! After punc
+item! After punc
+quotation arg! After punc
+In quotation
+exdent quotation! After punc
+In float
+In float with caption.
+heading! After punc
+titlefont! After punc
+center! After punc
+$result_sectioning{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = {
+  'level' => -1,
+  'section_childs' => [
+    {
+      'cmdname' => 'top',
+      'extra' => {
+        'associated_node' => {
+          'cmdname' => 'node',
+          'extra' => {
+            'normalized' => 'node_0021-After-punc'
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      'level' => 0,
+      'section_up' => {}
+    }
+  ]
 = $result_sectioning{'punctuation_in_line_commands'};
+$result_nodes{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = {
+  'cmdname' => 'node',
+  'extra' => {
+    'associated_section' => {
+      'cmdname' => 'top',
+      'extra' => {},
+      'level' => 0
+    },
+    'normalized' => 'node_0021-After-punc'
+  }
+$result_menus{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = {
+  'cmdname' => 'node',
+  'extra' => {
+    'normalized' => 'node_0021-After-punc'
+  }
+$result_errors{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = [];
+$result_floats{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = {
+  'float-type_0021-After-punc' => [
+    {
+      'cmdname' => 'float',
+      'extra' => {
+        'normalized' => 'float-label_0021-After-punc',
+        'shortcaption' => {
+          'cmdname' => 'shortcaption',
+          'extra' => {
+            'float' => {}
+          }
+        },
+        'type' => {
+          'content' => [
+            {
+              'text' => 'float type! After punc'
+            }
+          ],
+          'normalized' => 'float-type_0021-After-punc'
+        }
+      },
+      'float_section' => {
+        'cmdname' => 'top',
+        'extra' => {},
+        'level' => 0
+      },
+      'number' => 1
+    },
+    {
+      'cmdname' => 'float',
+      'extra' => {
+        'caption' => {
+          'cmdname' => 'caption',
+          'extra' => {
+            'float' => {}
+          }
+        },
+        'normalized' => 'label-with-caption',
+        'type' => {
+          'content' => [
+            {
+              'text' => 'float type! After punc'
+            }
+          ],
+          'normalized' => 'float-type_0021-After-punc'
+        }
+      },
+      'float_section' => {},
+      'number' => 2
+    }
+  ]
+$result_converted{'plaintext'}->{'punctuation_in_line_commands'} = '
+top! After punc
+item! After punc
+     quotation arg! After punc: In quotation
+exdent quotation!  After punc
+In float
+float type! After punc 1: shortcaption!  After punc
+In float with caption.
+float type! After punc 2: caption!  After punc
+* Menu:
+* float type! After punc 1: float label! After punc.
+                                         shortcaption!  After punc
+* float type! After punc 2: label with caption.
+                                         caption!  After punc
+heading! After punc
+titlefont! After punc
+                          center! After punc
+top! After punc

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