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branch master updated: * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (new_texin

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: branch master updated: * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (new_texinfo_report): add code doing the same as calling Texinfo::Report::new() in XS.
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 07:27:08 -0400

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pertusus pushed a commit to branch master
in repository texinfo.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 1248f0d5a1 * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c 
(new_texinfo_report): add code doing the same as calling Texinfo::Report::new() 
in XS.
1248f0d5a1 is described below

commit 1248f0d5a13a833dd4fbe9b47c9bed9add02ae13
Author: Patrice Dumas <pertusus@free.fr>
AuthorDate: Sun Oct 20 13:27:01 2024 +0200

    * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (new_texinfo_report): add code
    doing the same as calling Texinfo::Report::new() in XS.
    * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (get_document, build_document):
    add a registrar key by calling new_texinfo_report.
    * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (get_or_build_document),
    tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.pm (parse_texi_file)
    (parse_texi_piece, parse_texi_text, parse_texi_line),
    tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.xs (parse_file, parse_piece)
    (parse_string, parse_text): build the document directly in parse_* by
    calling the new function get_or_build_document or directly
    get_document. Remove _get_parser_info.
 ChangeLog                            | 16 +++++++++++
 tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.h |  2 ++
 tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.pm | 44 +++-------------------------
 tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.xs | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 5 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index ecba20e306..f4ecd354d0 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+2024-10-20  Patrice Dumas  <pertusus@free.fr>
+       * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (new_texinfo_report): add code
+       doing the same as calling Texinfo::Report::new() in XS.
+       * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (get_document, build_document):
+       add a registrar key by calling new_texinfo_report.
+       * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c (get_or_build_document),
+       tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.pm (parse_texi_file)
+       (parse_texi_piece, parse_texi_text, parse_texi_line),
+       tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.xs (parse_file, parse_piece)
+       (parse_string, parse_text): build the document directly in parse_* by
+       calling the new function get_or_build_document or directly
+       get_document. Remove _get_parser_info.
 2024-10-19  Patrice Dumas  <pertusus@free.fr>
        * tp/Texinfo/Convert/Utils.pm (encoded_output_file_name)
diff --git a/tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c 
index 0d6769e0f0..5b2049961c 100644
--- a/tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c
+++ b/tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c
@@ -1689,6 +1689,31 @@ build_global_commands (const GLOBAL_COMMANDS 
   return hv;
+/* same as calling Texinfo::Report::new() */
+static SV *
+new_texinfo_report (void)
+  HV *hv_stash;
+  HV *hv;
+  SV *sv;
+  AV *errors_warnings;
+  dTHX;
+  hv = newHV ();
+  hv_store (hv, "errors_nrs", strlen ("errors_nrs"), newSViv (0), 0);
+  errors_warnings = newAV ();
+  hv_store (hv, "errors_warnings", strlen ("errors_warnings"),
+            newRV_noinc ((SV *) errors_warnings), 0);
+  hv_stash = gv_stashpv ("Texinfo::Report", GV_ADD);
+  sv = newRV_noinc ((SV *) hv);
+  sv_bless (sv, hv_stash);
+  return sv;
 /* build a minimal document, without tree/global commands/indices, only
    with the document descriptor information, errors and information that do
    not refer directly to tree elements */
@@ -1701,6 +1726,7 @@ get_document (size_t document_descriptor)
   SV *sv;
   HV *hv_tree;
   HV *hv_info;
+  SV *registrar_sv;
@@ -1726,6 +1752,12 @@ get_document (size_t document_descriptor)
             strlen ("tree_document_descriptor"),
             newSViv (document_descriptor), 0);
+  /* New error registrar for document to be used after parsing, for
+     structuring and tree modifications */
+  registrar_sv = new_texinfo_report ();
+  SvREFCNT_inc (registrar_sv);
+  hv_store (hv, "registrar", strlen ("registrar"), registrar_sv, 0);
   if (!document->hv)
       document->hv = (void *) hv;
@@ -1875,6 +1907,7 @@ build_document (size_t document_descriptor, int no_store)
   HV *hv;
   SV *sv;
   HV *hv_stash;
+  SV *registrar_sv;
@@ -1882,12 +1915,33 @@ build_document (size_t document_descriptor, int 
   fill_document_hv (hv, document_descriptor, no_store);
+  /* New error registrar for document to be used after parsing, for
+     structuring and tree modifications */
+  registrar_sv = new_texinfo_report ();
+  SvREFCNT_inc (registrar_sv);
+  hv_store (hv, "registrar", strlen ("registrar"), registrar_sv, 0);
   hv_stash = gv_stashpv ("Texinfo::Document", GV_ADD);
   sv = newRV_noinc ((SV *) hv);
   sv_bless (sv, hv_stash);
   return sv;
+SV *
+get_or_build_document (SV *parser_sv, size_t document_descriptor, int no_store)
+  dTHX;
+  /* get hold of errors before calling build_document, as if no_store is set
+     they will be destroyed. */
+  pass_document_parser_errors_to_registrar (document_descriptor, parser_sv);
+  if (!no_store)
+    return get_document (document_descriptor);
+  else
+    return build_document (document_descriptor, 1);
 /* Currently unused, but could be */
 rebuild_document (SV *document_in, int no_store)
@@ -3124,7 +3178,7 @@ pass_generic_converter_to_converter_sv (SV *converter_sv,
-/* API to access output file names associated with output units */ 
+/* API to access output file names associated with output units */
 static SV *
 build_filenames (const FILE_NAME_PATH_COUNTER_LIST *output_unit_files)
diff --git a/tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.h 
index c4be69cce2..8b15c3873b 100644
--- a/tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.h
+++ b/tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.h
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ SV *pass_errors_to_registrar (const ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST 
 SV *build_document (size_t document_descriptor, int no_store);
 SV *get_document (size_t document_descriptor);
+SV *get_or_build_document (SV *parser_sv, size_t document_descriptor,
+                           int no_store);
 SV *store_document_texinfo_tree (DOCUMENT *document, HV *document_hv);
diff --git a/tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.pm 
index 477e3932dc..004cf12111 100644
--- a/tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.pm
+++ b/tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.pm
@@ -139,46 +139,16 @@ sub parser (;$)
   return $parser;
-sub _get_parser_info($$;$) {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $document_descriptor = shift;
-  my $no_store = shift;
-  # get hold of errors before calling build_document, as if $no_store is set
-  # they will be destroyed.
-  pass_document_parser_errors_to_registrar($document_descriptor, $self);
-  my $document;
-  if (!$no_store) {
-    $document = get_document ($document_descriptor);
-  } else {
-    $document = build_document ($document_descriptor, 1);
-  }
-  # New error registrar for document to be used after parsing, for
-  # structuring and tree modifications
-  $document->{'registrar'} = Texinfo::Report::new();
-  return $document;
 sub parse_texi_file ($$)
   my $self = shift;
   my $input_file_path = shift;
-  my $tree_stream;
   return undef if (!defined($self));
   # the file is already a byte string, taken as is from the command
   # line.  The encoding was detected as COMMAND_LINE_ENCODING.
-  my $document_descriptor = parse_file($self, $input_file_path);
-  if (!$document_descriptor) {
-    return undef;
-  }
-  my $document = _get_parser_info($self, $document_descriptor);
+  my $document = parse_file($self, $input_file_path);
   return $document;
@@ -192,9 +162,7 @@ sub parse_texi_piece($$;$$)
   $line_nr = 1 if (not defined($line_nr));
-  my $document_descriptor = parse_piece($self, $text, $line_nr);
-  my $document = _get_parser_info($self, $document_descriptor, $no_store);
+  my $document = parse_piece($self, $text, $line_nr, $no_store);
   return $document;
@@ -208,9 +176,7 @@ sub parse_texi_text($$;$)
   $line_nr = 1 if (not defined($line_nr));
-  my $document_descriptor = parse_text($self, $text, $line_nr);
-  my $document = _get_parser_info($self, $document_descriptor);
+  my $document = parse_text($self, $text, $line_nr);
   return $document;
@@ -223,9 +189,7 @@ sub parse_texi_line($$;$$)
   $line_nr = 1 if (not defined($line_nr));
-  my $document_descriptor = parse_string($self, $text, $line_nr);
-  my $document = _get_parser_info($self, $document_descriptor, $no_store);
+  my $document = parse_string($self, $text, $line_nr, $no_store);
   return $document->tree();
diff --git a/tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.xs 
index 67f624768a..8e40bfe0be 100644
--- a/tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.xs
+++ b/tp/Texinfo/XS/parsetexi/Parsetexi.xs
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ register_parser_conf (SV *parser)
                 newSViv ((IV) parser_conf->descriptor), 0);
 # file path, can be in any encoding
+SV *
 parse_file (SV *parser, input_file_path)
         char *input_file_path = (char *)SvPVbyte_nolen ($arg);
@@ -92,46 +92,63 @@ parse_file (SV *parser, input_file_path)
         apply_sv_parser_conf (parser);
         document_descriptor = parse_file (input_file_path, &status);
+        pass_document_parser_errors_to_registrar (document_descriptor,
+                                                  parser);
         if (status)
           /* if the input file could not be opened */
-            pass_document_parser_errors_to_registrar (document_descriptor,
-                                                      parser);
             remove_document_descriptor (document_descriptor);
-            RETVAL = 0;
+            RETVAL = newSV (0);
-          RETVAL = document_descriptor;
+          {
+            RETVAL = get_document (document_descriptor);
+          }
-parse_piece (SV *parser, string, line_nr)
+# note that giving optional arguments, like: int no_store=0
+# would have been nice, but in that case an undef value cannot be passed
+# and leads to a perl warning
+SV *
+parse_piece (SV *parser, string, int line_nr, ...)
         char *string = (char *)SvPVutf8_nolen ($arg);
-        int line_nr
+        size_t document_descriptor = 0;
+        int no_store = 0;
+        if (items > 3 && SvOK(ST(3)))
+          no_store = SvIV (ST(3));
         apply_sv_parser_conf (parser);
-        RETVAL = parse_piece (string, line_nr);
+        document_descriptor = parse_piece (string, line_nr);
+        RETVAL = get_or_build_document (parser, document_descriptor, no_store);
-parse_string (SV *parser, string, line_nr)
+SV *
+parse_string (SV *parser, string, int line_nr, ...)
         char *string = (char *)SvPVutf8_nolen ($arg);
-        int line_nr
+        size_t document_descriptor = 0;
+        int no_store = 0;
+        if (items > 3 && SvOK(ST(3)))
+          no_store = SvIV (ST(3));
         apply_sv_parser_conf (parser);
-        RETVAL = parse_string (string, line_nr);
+        document_descriptor = parse_string (string, line_nr);
+        RETVAL = get_or_build_document (parser, document_descriptor, no_store);
-parse_text (SV *parser, string, line_nr)
+SV *
+parse_text (SV *parser, string, int line_nr)
         char *string = (char *)SvPVutf8_nolen ($arg);
-        int line_nr
+        size_t document_descriptor = 0;
         apply_sv_parser_conf (parser);
-        RETVAL = parse_text (string, line_nr);
+        document_descriptor = parse_text (string, line_nr);
+        RETVAL = get_or_build_document (parser, document_descriptor, 0);
@@ -145,9 +162,8 @@ build_document (size_t document_descriptor, ...)
         int no_store = 0;
-        if (items > 1)
-          if (SvOK(ST(1)))
-            no_store = SvIV (ST(1));
+        if (items > 1 && SvOK(ST(1)))
+          no_store = SvIV (ST(1));
         RETVAL = build_document (document_descriptor, no_store);

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