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branch master updated: * tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh (post_process_output

From: Gavin D. Smith
Subject: branch master updated: * tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh (post_process_output): Delete some lines from output that may have directory components in file names in order to avoid divergent test output on MS-Windows where a backslash might be used as the directory separator. Report from Eli.
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:50:49 -0500

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gavin pushed a commit to branch master
in repository texinfo.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new e472e77c79 * tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh (post_process_output): Delete 
some lines from output that may have directory components in file names in 
order to avoid divergent test output on MS-Windows where a backslash might be 
used as the directory separator.  Report from Eli.
e472e77c79 is described below

commit e472e77c79a1597a3b39ab1056e2d75750d594b1
Author: Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Tue Dec 10 17:50:39 2024 +0000

    * tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh (post_process_output):
    Delete some lines from output that may have directory
    components in file names in order to avoid divergent test
    output on MS-Windows where a backslash might be used as
    the directory separator.  Report from Eli.
 ChangeLog                                          |  8 +++
 .../js_license_reuse_output_file/split_nocopying.2 |  1 -
 .../res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.2  |  1 -
 tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh                         | 74 +++++++++++-----------
 4 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 128e95f8ce..f901d3fbfc 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2024-12-10  Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com>
+       * tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh (post_process_output):
+       Delete some lines from output that may have directory
+       components in file names in order to avoid divergent test
+       output on MS-Windows where a backslash might be used as
+       the directory separator.  Report from Eli.
 2024-12-10  Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com>
        Correct spelling
diff --git 
index 17be7f1d7f..e69de29bb2 100644
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-texi2any: warning: overwriting output file with js licences: 
diff --git a/tp/tests/formatting/res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.2 
index 8d99dcb9e9..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/tp/tests/formatting/res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.2
+++ b/tp/tests/formatting/res_parser/reuse_macro_expand_file/simplest.2
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-texi2any: warning: overwriting file: 
diff --git a/tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh b/tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh
index 304f5e1dcb..288ce41941 100755
--- a/tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh
+++ b/tp/tests/run_parser_all.sh
@@ -125,49 +125,51 @@ post_process_output ()
     mkdir -p "${raw_outdir}$dir"
     cp -p ${outdir}$dir/${basename}.2 "${raw_outdir}$dir"
   if test "$use_tex4ht" = 'yes' ; then
     # tex4ht may be customized to use dvipng or dvips, both being
     # verbose, so there can not be reproducible tests on stderr either
     # with tex4ht.
     rm "${outdir}$dir/$basename.2"
-  elif test "$use_latex2html" = 'yes' ; then
-    sed -e 's/^texexpand.*/texexpand /' \
-        -e '/is no longer supported at.*line/d' \
-        -e '/^could not open/d' \
-        -e 's/^htmlxref/.\/htmlxref/' \
-        $raw_outdir$dir/$basename.2 > $outdir$dir/$basename.2
-    # "*"_images.pl" files are not guaranteed to be present
-    for file in "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*"_labels.pl"; do
-     if test -f "$file" ; then
-      filename=`basename "$file"`
-      sed -e 's/^# LaTeX2HTML.*/# LaTeX2HTML/' "$file" > 
-     fi
-    done
-    #for file in "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*.htm* "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*-l2h_cache.pm 
"${raw_outdir}$dir/"*_l2h_images.pl; do
-    for file in "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*.htm* "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*-l2h_cache.pm; 
-     if test -f "$file" ; then
-     # width and height changed because of different rounding on
-     # different computers.  Also remove version information.
-      filename=`basename "$file"`
-      sed -e 's/WIDTH="\([0-9]*\)\([0-9]\)"/WIDTH="100"/' \
-          -e 's/HEIGHT="\([0-9]*\)\([0-9]\)"/HEIGHT="\10"/' \
-          -e 's/CONTENT="LaTeX2HTML.*/CONTENT="LaTeX2HTML">/' \
-          -e 's/^# LaTeX2HTML.*/# LaTeX2HTML/' \
-          -e 's/with LaTeX2HTML.*/with LaTeX2HTML/' "$file" > 
-     fi
-    done
-    # *_l2h_images.pl associate images original text with physical files
-    # but entries are not sorted, so that the result is not reproducible
-    # even with the normalizations above.
-    rm -f ${outdir}$dir/*.aux ${outdir}$dir/*_images.out \
-          ${outdir}$dir/*_l2h.css ${outdir}$dir/*_l2h_images.pl
     # Delete error message that may have directories in file name and
-    # account for variant output under MS-Windows.  These transformations
-    # are also done above.
-    sed -e '/^could not open/d' \
-        -e 's/^htmlxref/.\/htmlxref/' \
-        $raw_outdir$dir/$basename.2 > $outdir$dir/$basename.2
+    # account for variant output under MS-Windows.
+    sed_cmds='/^could not open/d; /: overwriting file/d; /: overwriting output 
file/d; s/^htmlxref/.\/htmlxref/'
+    if test "$use_latex2html" = 'yes' ; then
+      sed -e 's/^texexpand.*/texexpand /' \
+          -e '/is no longer supported at.*line/d' \
+          -e "$sed_cmds" \
+          $raw_outdir$dir/$basename.2 > $outdir$dir/$basename.2
+      # "*"_images.pl" files are not guaranteed to be present
+      for file in "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*"_labels.pl"; do
+       if test -f "$file" ; then
+        filename=`basename "$file"`
+        sed -e 's/^# LaTeX2HTML.*/# LaTeX2HTML/' "$file" > 
+       fi
+      done
+      #for file in "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*.htm* 
"${raw_outdir}$dir/"*-l2h_cache.pm "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*_l2h_images.pl; do
+      for file in "${raw_outdir}$dir/"*.htm* 
"${raw_outdir}$dir/"*-l2h_cache.pm; do
+       if test -f "$file" ; then
+       # width and height changed because of different rounding on
+       # different computers.  Also remove version information.
+        filename=`basename "$file"`
+        sed -e 's/WIDTH="\([0-9]*\)\([0-9]\)"/WIDTH="100"/' \
+            -e 's/HEIGHT="\([0-9]*\)\([0-9]\)"/HEIGHT="\10"/' \
+            -e 's/CONTENT="LaTeX2HTML.*/CONTENT="LaTeX2HTML">/' \
+            -e 's/^# LaTeX2HTML.*/# LaTeX2HTML/' \
+            -e 's/with LaTeX2HTML.*/with LaTeX2HTML/' "$file" > 
+       fi
+      done
+      # *_l2h_images.pl associate images original text with physical files
+      # but entries are not sorted, so that the result is not reproducible
+      # even with the normalizations above.
+      rm -f ${outdir}$dir/*.aux ${outdir}$dir/*_images.out \
+            ${outdir}$dir/*_l2h.css ${outdir}$dir/*_l2h_images.pl
+    else
+      sed -e "$sed_cmds" \
+          $raw_outdir$dir/$basename.2 > $outdir$dir/$basename.2
+    fi

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