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branch master updated: Common code for pdftex and xetex

From: Gavin D. Smith
Subject: branch master updated: Common code for pdftex and xetex
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 16:39:25 -0500

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gavin pushed a commit to branch master
in repository texinfo.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 92612d9aa2 Common code for pdftex and xetex
92612d9aa2 is described below

commit 92612d9aa20b2b6788b5ed9eadf35c452a625d58
Author: Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com>
AuthorDate: Wed Jan 29 21:33:41 2025 +0000

    Common code for pdftex and xetex
    * doc/texinfo.tex (\rgbDarkRed, \rgbBlack, \setcolor, \maincolor)
    (\thiscolor, \currentcolordefs, \makefootline, \makeheadline)
    (\urlcolor, \linkcolor, \endlink): Place definitions in single
    place instead of having duplicated definitions for both pdftex/luatex
    and xetex.  The large number of duplicated definitions made it
    hard to navigate the file.
 ChangeLog       |  11 +++++
 doc/texinfo.tex | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index b5575d2760..e9abf49036 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+2025-01-29  Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com>
+       Common code for pdftex and xetex
+       * doc/texinfo.tex (\rgbDarkRed, \rgbBlack, \setcolor, \maincolor)
+       (\thiscolor, \currentcolordefs, \makefootline, \makeheadline)
+       (\urlcolor, \linkcolor, \endlink): Place definitions in single
+       place instead of having duplicated definitions for both pdftex/luatex
+       and xetex.  The large number of duplicated definitions made it
+       hard to navigate the file.
 2025-01-29  Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com>
        * doc/texinfo.tex (\ifxetex): New conditional.  Use throughout.
diff --git a/doc/texinfo.tex b/doc/texinfo.tex
index d23552f5fa..159abe82b8 100644
--- a/doc/texinfo.tex
+++ b/doc/texinfo.tex
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 % Load plain if necessary, i.e., if running under initex.
 \expandafter\ifx\csname fmtname\endcsname\relax\input plain\fi
 % Copyright 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -1181,6 +1181,7 @@ with PDF output, and none of those formats could be 
found.  (.eps cannot
 be supported due to the design of the PDF format; use regular TeX (DVI
 output) for that.)}
+% definitions for pdftex or luatex with pdf output
   % Strings in PDF outlines can either be ASCII, or encoded in UTF-16BE
   % with BOM.  Unfortunately there is no simple way with pdftex to output
@@ -1256,57 +1257,13 @@ output) for that.)}
   \catcode2=12 \catcode3=12 % defaults
-  %
-  % Color manipulation macros using ideas from pdfcolor.tex,
-  % except using rgb instead of cmyk; the latter is said to render as a
-  % very dark gray on-screen and a very dark halftone in print, instead
-  % of actual black. The dark red here is dark enough to print on paper as
-  % nearly black, but still distinguishable for online viewing.  We use
-  % black by default, though.
-  \def\rgbDarkRed{0.50 0.09 0.12}
-  \def\rgbBlack{0 0 0}
+  % Color support
   % rg sets the color for filling (usual text, etc.);
   % RG sets the color for stroking (thin rules, e.g., normal _'s).
   \def\pdfsetcolor#1{\pdfliteral{#1 rg  #1 RG}}
-  % Set color, and create a mark which defines \thiscolor accordingly,
-  % so that \makeheadline knows which color to restore.
-  \def\curcolor{0 0 0}%
-  \def\setcolor#1{%
-    \ifx#1\curcolor\else
-      \xdef\currentcolordefs{\gdef\noexpand\thiscolor{#1}}%
-      \domark
-      \pdfsetcolor{#1}%
-      \xdef\curcolor{#1}%
-    \fi
-  }
-  %
-  \let\maincolor\rgbBlack
-  \pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}
-  \edef\thiscolor{\maincolor}
-  \def\currentcolordefs{}
-  %
-  \def\makefootline{%
-    \baselineskip24pt
-    \line{\pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}\the\footline}%
-  }
-  %
-  \def\makeheadline{%
-    \vbox to 0pt{%
-      \vskip-22.5pt
-      \line{%
-        \vbox to8.5pt{}%
-        % Extract \thiscolor definition from the marks.
-        \getcolormarks
-        % Typeset the headline with \maincolor, then restore the color.
-        \pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}\the\headline\pdfsetcolor{\thiscolor}%
-      }%
-      \vss
-    }%
-    \nointerlineskip
-  }
-  %
+  % PDF outline support
   \pdfcatalog{/PageMode /UseOutlines}
@@ -1432,11 +1389,6 @@ output) for that.)}
   % used to mark target names; must be expandable.
-  % by default, use black for everything.
-  \def\urlcolor{\rgbBlack}
-  \let\linkcolor\rgbBlack
-  \def\endlink{\setcolor{\maincolor}\pdfendlink}
-  %
   % Adding outlines to PDF; macros for calculating structure of outlines
   % come from Petr Olsak
   \def\expnumber#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax 0%
@@ -1667,45 +1619,8 @@ output) for that.)}
   % Color support
-  %
-  \def\rgbDarkRed{0.50 0.09 0.12}
-  \def\rgbBlack{0 0 0}
-  %
   \def\pdfsetcolor#1{\special{pdf:scolor [#1]}}
-  % Set color, and create a mark which defines \thiscolor accordingly,
-  % so that \makeheadline knows which color to restore.
-  \def\setcolor#1{%
-    \xdef\currentcolordefs{\gdef\noexpand\thiscolor{#1}}%
-    \domark
-    \pdfsetcolor{#1}%
-  }
-  %
-  \def\maincolor{\rgbBlack}
-  \pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}
-  \edef\thiscolor{\maincolor}
-  \def\currentcolordefs{}
-  %
-  \def\makefootline{%
-    \baselineskip24pt
-    \line{\pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}\the\footline}%
-  }
-  %
-  \def\makeheadline{%
-    \vbox to 0pt{%
-      \vskip-22.5pt
-      \line{%
-        \vbox to8.5pt{}%
-        % Extract \thiscolor definition from the marks.
-        \getcolormarks
-        % Typeset the headline with \maincolor, then restore the color.
-        \pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}\the\headline\pdfsetcolor{\thiscolor}%
-      }%
-      \vss
-    }%
-    \nointerlineskip
-  }
-  %
   % PDF outline support
   % Emulate pdfTeX primitive
@@ -1743,11 +1658,6 @@ output) for that.)}
     \safewhatsit{\pdfdest name{\pdfdestname} xyz}%
-  % by default, use black for everything.
-  \def\urlcolor{\rgbBlack}
-  \def\linkcolor{\rgbBlack}
-  \def\endlink{\setcolor{\maincolor}\pdfendlink}
-  %
@@ -1946,6 +1856,58 @@ output) for that.)}
+% common definitions and code for pdftex, luatex and xetex
+  % The dark red here is dark enough to print on paper as
+  % nearly black, but still distinguishable for online viewing.  We use
+  % black by default, though.
+  \def\rgbDarkRed{0.50 0.09 0.12}
+  \def\rgbBlack{0 0 0}
+  %
+  % Set color, and create a mark which defines \thiscolor accordingly,
+  % so that \makeheadline knows which color to restore.
+  \def\curcolor{0 0 0}%
+  \def\setcolor#1{%
+    \ifx#1\curcolor\else
+      \xdef\currentcolordefs{\gdef\noexpand\thiscolor{#1}}%
+      \domark
+      \pdfsetcolor{#1}%
+      \xdef\curcolor{#1}%
+    \fi
+  }
+  %
+  \let\maincolor\rgbBlack
+  \pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}
+  \edef\thiscolor{\maincolor}
+  \def\currentcolordefs{}
+  %
+  \def\makefootline{%
+    \baselineskip24pt
+    \line{\pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}\the\footline}%
+  }
+  %
+  \def\makeheadline{%
+    \vbox to 0pt{%
+      \vskip-22.5pt
+      \line{%
+        \vbox to8.5pt{}%
+        % Extract \thiscolor definition from the marks.
+        \getcolormarks
+        % Typeset the headline with \maincolor, then restore the color.
+        \pdfsetcolor{\maincolor}\the\headline\pdfsetcolor{\thiscolor}%
+      }%
+      \vss
+    }%
+    \nointerlineskip
+  }
+  %
+  % by default, use black for everything.
+  \def\urlcolor{\rgbBlack}
+  \let\linkcolor\rgbBlack
+  \def\endlink{\setcolor{\maincolor}\pdfendlink}
+  %

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