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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Request push

From: Thomas Preud'homme
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Request push
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 22:09:46 +0800
User-agent: KMail/4.12.4 (Linux/3.14-1-amd64; KDE/4.13.1; x86_64; ; )

Le dimanche 29 juin 2014, 16:56:31 Thomas Preud'homme a écrit :
> Le dimanche 29 juin 2014, 12:32:57 大熊猫 a écrit :
> > Thank you Thomas, I hope you agree with my request.
> Sure, as I said, provided that a testcase is added I'd be happy for you to
> commit the patch.

Thanks for committing the patch Jiang. I have one comment: you should use a 
different name for your testcase as you are not testing the concatenation. You 
should name your tests macro_param_list or something like this.

Also a minor nitpick: you left a trailing whitespace in both testcase in the 
line "int c = 0xa; ". It's not worth a commit in itself but since you will do 
a commit to rename the test, please fix it at the same time. Before you push I 
urge you to look at your diff with git. It will show you trailing whitespace by 
default (if not you can activate it with git config --global core.whitespace 

Best regards,


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