Hi and thanks.
I didn't throw it right away. I actually performed non trivial research how that inline asm
could be replaced such that tcc accepts it, but I'm not really familiar with GASM
or asm in general, and others which tried to help also didn't come up with a good solution,
and with the added recommendation that inline asm is evil (TM), I ended up with the C
code approach.
However, I will test your patch and if it works then I'll use it instead of the C code (and as
you suggested, I might leave the C implementation there as reference).
Thanks again.
On Tuesday, November 3, 2015 8:29 AM, Sergey Korshunoff <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi avih!
> To address these issues, code which used inline asm with 't' was replaced with
> a C implementation, and the missing __fpclassify functions were added
A patch attached for the "t" issue. It is much faster
Don't throw an asm code away. A C implementation can be as an option
Please test.