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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Huge swings in cache performance

From: KHMan
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Huge swings in cache performance
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2017 13:47:59 +0800
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On 1/6/2017 11:44 AM, David Mertens wrote:
Spot on, grischka!

Initial experiments indicate that changing the offset alignment
from 16 to 512 bytes (i.e. 15 to 511) solves this problem. I'll
try a few more experiments to be sure, though. I suspect that this
number should be tuned to the underlying architecture, but that's
not central to the discussion.

One thing that can trash I$ and D$ this way, a smart prefetcher... Any newish CPU could be susceptible.


On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 6:46 PM, grischka wrote:

    You might try larger "section alignment" for -run:

    in tccrun.c:208 instead of
             offset = (offset + 15) & ~15;
    for example
             offset = (offset + 63) & ~63;

    This would add more space between your "foo" data variable and
    the instructions in memory

    --- grischka

    Harry van Haaren wrote:

        On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 2:12 PM, avih <address@hidden
        <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

            I can reproduce x30 variations on Windows with tcc64
            (built either using

        gcc (mingw) or using tcc64 itself), but for me -DNOPS=2 or
        5 or 9 are fast,
        and the others (up to 9) are slow. I didn't check further.

            I also removed the #include <stdio.h> since it's not
            where tcc typically

        is, and it's not required as far as I can tell, and also
        removed the -B
        thingy (the tcc binary is in the distribution dir on
        windows and its
        default -B location doesn't include anything other than tcc

        Same here, removed the stdio include and -B. flag, tcc
        version 0.9.26
        (x86-64 Linux), recent desktop CPU:
        Results (below), even NOPS are bad, odd NOPS are good up
        to 8, then it
        becomes unpredictable.

        Hope that helps, -Harry

        PS: My first post to TCC list - awesome project - thanks
        all! :)

        time tcc -DNOPS=0 -run test.c
        real    0m1.015s

        time tcc -DNOPS=1 -run test.c
        real    0m0.043s

        time tcc -DNOPS=2 -run test.c
        real    0m1.215s

        time tcc -DNOPS=3 -run test.c
        real    0m0.037s

        time tcc -DNOPS=4 -run test.c
        real    0m1.008s

        time tcc -DNOPS=5 -run test.c
        real    0m0.051s

        time tcc -DNOPS=6 -run test.c
        real    0m1.010s

        time tcc -DNOPS=7 -run test.c
        real    0m0.036s

        time tcc -DNOPS=8 -run test.c
        real    0m1.014s

        time tcc -DNOPS=9 -run test.c
        real    0m1.112s

        time tcc -DNOPS=10 -run test.c
        real    0m0.041s

        time tcc -DNOPS=11 -run test.c
        real    0m1.161s

        time tcc -DNOPS=12 -run test.c
        real    0m0.039s

        time tcc -DNOPS=13 -run test.c
        real    0m1.482s

        time tcc -DNOPS=14 -run test.c
        real    0m1.009s

        time tcc -DNOPS=15 -run test.c
        real    0m1.506s

        time tcc -DNOPS=16 -run test.c
        real    0m1.005s

            On Thursday, January 5, 2017 3:25 PM, David Mertens <

        <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

            Hello everyone,

            I have now written a very simple C program which gives
            highly erratic

        timing behavior when run under tcc -run. I have added this
        file to the
        gist; look for cache-test-simple.c here:
        https://gist.github.com/ run4flat/
        fcbb6480275b1b9dcaa7a8d3a80846 38

            The simple program does not attempt to produce a
            shared object library,

        and so should be runnable on any operating system that
        supports tcc -run,
        including Windows and Mac in addition to Linux. Here are
        some sample
        outputs on my machine:

            $ time ./tcc -B. -DNOPS=0 -run cache-test-simple.c
            real    0m0.052s
            $ time ./tcc -B. -DNOPS=1 -run cache-test-simple.c  ***
            real    0m1.413s
            $ time ./tcc -B. -DNOPS=2 -run cache-test-simple.c
            real    0m0.069s
            $ time ./tcc -B. -DNOPS=3 -run cache-test-simple.c
            real    0m0.076s
            $ time ./tcc -B. -DNOPS=4 -run cache-test-simple.c  ***
            real    0m1.158s

            The starred results are over an order of magnitude
            slower than the

        unstarred results.

            1) Do others see this on other operating systems with
            64-bit Intel


            2) Do others see this on any operating system with
            64-bit AMD processors?
            3) Do others see this on any operating system with any
            other architecture?


            On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 12:59 AM, David Mertens


            Update: I *can* get this slowdown with tcc. The main
            trigger is to have a

        global variable that gets modified by the function.

            I have updated the gist: https://gist.github.com/

        fcbb6480275b1b9dcaa7a8d3a80846 38

            This program generates a single function filled with a
            collection of

        skipped operations (number of operations is a command-line
        option) and
        finished with a modification of a global variable. It
        compiles the function
        using tcc, then calls the function a specified number of
        times (repeat
        count specified via command-line). It can either generate
        code in-memory,
        or it can generate a .so file and load that using dlopen.
        (If it generates
        in-memory, it prints the size of the generated code.)

            Here are the interesting results on my machine, all
            for 10,000,000

        iterations, using compilation-in-memory:

            N   Code Size (Bytes)   Time (s)
            0                 128       2.52
            1                 144       2.54
            2                 176       2.57
            3                 208       0.035
            4                 224       0.058
            5                 256       2.57
            6                 272       0.060

            Switching over to a shared object file, I get these
            results (code size is

        size of the .so file):

            N   Code Size (Bytes)   Time (s)
            0                2960       0.057
            1                2984       0.040
            2                3016       0.058
            3                3040       0.039
            4                3064       0.040
            5                3088       0.060
            6                3112       0.063

            As you can see, the jit-compiled code has odd jumps of
            30x speed drops

        depending on... something. The shared object file, on the
        other hand, has
        consistently sound performance.

            Two questions:
            1) Can anybody reproduce these effects on their Linux

        especially different architectures? (I can try an ARM

            2) Is there something special about how tcc builds a
            shared object file

        that is not happening with the jit-compiled code?


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