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Re: [Tlf-devel] WARC bands

From: Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] WARC bands
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 19:43:29 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hello all,

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 08:35:32AM +0100, Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS wrote:
> but something is wrong in my config - when I works in QSO mode
> (CONTEST=qso, no CONTEST_MODE, SCOREWINDOW is set), I don't have
> score window... I'll review again when I'll close to my RIG.

this kept bugging, I've reviewed the code...

So, in setcontest.c there is a part:

    26  int setcontest(void)
    27  {
    88      showscore_flag = 0;
    97      if (strcmp(whichcontest, "wpx") == 0) {
    98          wpx = 1;
    99          contest = 1;
   100          showscore_flag = 1;
   101          searchflg = 1;
   102      }
   ...      many contest listed here...
   216      if (strcmp(whichcontest, "qso") == 0) {
   217          contest = 0;
   218          searchflg = 1;
   219      } else {
   220          searchflg = 1;          //dxpedition
   221          contest = 1;
   222          showscore_flag = 1;
   223          universal = 1;
   224      }

As you can see, in QSO mode there is an explicit assignment, and
after showscore_flag has setting up to 0 (line 88.), the "qso"
contest doesn't change that. Vainly put the SCOREWINDOW to
logcfg.dat, the parser recognize it, but the setcontest() has
called _after_ when the parser ends.

So, Ed wrote that when the CONTEST set up to "contest", Tlf
skip that clause (line 216.), and show the score window.
Generally, in QSO mode, the scorewindow isn't showed.

But :)

To Zilvinas: if you set the "SCORE" parameter after you start
Tlf, that will be showed. Just type to callsign field:


When you type the ":" char, the color of text will change to
green, that means Tlf is looking for a parameter.

(You can see the full list of parameters in src/changepars.c,
from line 82 to 133)

So, whit this mode you can switch on the score window.

The "Worked" window doesn't contain the WARC bands, but I will
review that code (I hope soon...), and will fix that.



I � UTF-8

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