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Re: [Tlf-devel] Fw: WARC bands

From: Ed
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Fw: WARC bands
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 10:11:57 -0500
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On 01/26/2014 09:33 AM, Thomas Beierlein wrote:

Not easy to do in the short run, but it is on the long term list.

Maybe it is a good idea to collect the contests that can not be handled
and are of interest. That way we get an idea what is missing. Which
contest are you up Ed?

FMRE RTTY the multipliers::

count only once for Mexico, but count per band for others.


QSO POINTS: Each completed QSO scores one point. Stations may be contacted again on other bands. MULTIPLIERS: All DXCC countries and JA, W, VE and VK areas count as multipliers. Multipliers and
continents count only once in the contest regardless of band
QSO points x Multipliers x Continents (max 6)

These are only a quick glance at 2. If a user could configure the existing mults and points to be either per band or per contest would be a start. As it is now, unless I overlooked it, there is no way to know which mult is per band or contest in tlf. Expanding the points would also be very helpful, maybe 1 to 20, instead of as it is now.



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