""" https://concursos.ure.es/en/s-m-el-rey-de-espana-cw/bases/ Multipliers: The Multipliers, on each band, are the same for both EA and DX stations and are as follows: – The EADX-100 entities. – The Spanish provinces (52). – Special station His Majesty The King of Spain (EF0F) will pass the abbreviation (SMR) """ EA_DXCCS = ['EA', 'EA6', 'EA8', 'EA9'] EA_PROVINCES = ['AV', 'BU', 'C', 'LE', 'LO', 'LU', 'O', 'OU', 'P', 'PO', 'S', 'SA', 'SG', 'SO', 'VA', 'ZA', 'BI', 'HU', 'NA', 'SS', 'TE', 'VI', 'Z', 'B', 'GI', 'L', 'T', 'BA', 'CC', 'CR', 'CU', 'GU', 'M', 'TO', 'A', 'AB', 'CS', 'MU', 'V', 'IB', 'AL', 'CA', 'CO', 'GR', 'H', 'J', 'MA', 'SE', 'GC', 'TF', 'CE', 'ML', 'SMR'] def check_exchange(qso): dxcc = tlf.get_dxcc(qso.call) if dxcc.main_prefix in EA_DXCCS: exchange = qso.exchange.strip() if exchange in EA_PROVINCES: mult = f'{dxcc.main_prefix}/{exchange}' else: mult = '' # invalid county else: mult = dxcc.main_prefix return {'mult1_value': mult}