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[Traverso-devel] AudioClip/Source manager

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: [Traverso-devel] AudioClip/Source manager
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:23:23 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.4

Hi list,

> Nice! Hope I'll see a "source & clip manager" there soon... ;)

cvs has some stuff to make this possible, the commit log:

First commit to accomplish the following:
* A ReadSource became a single entity of audiofile(s) wether they contain one 
or more channels with one or more real files
* AudioClip management moved to Project level
* AudioSourcesManager manages the Clips, and is able to tell how many clips a 
certain ReadSource has
* ReadSource and AudioClips use reference counting to detect if an instance is 
in use, and if an instance was allready in use  a copy will be created

The updated project file looks now like this:

<!DOCTYPE Project>
    <Properties title="" rate="" currentSongId="" engineer="" 
projectfileversion="" bitdepth="" />
            <Source channelcount="2" origsongid="1" dir="" filecount="2" 
origbitdepth="0" id="1150555635767393983" name="Song01_Audio_1.3" />
            <Clip clipname="Audio_1.3" channels="2" normfactor="" 
trackstart="0" length="" sourcestart="0" take="1" mute="0" selected="0" 
id="1158150690087321370" source="1150555635767393983" gain="1" >
                    <FadeIn bypassed="0" mode="2" bendfactor="0.853333" 
range="2325001" strengthfactor="0.84" 
controlpoints="0,0;0.1232,0.7168;1,1;1,1" raster="0" />
        <Song id="1" >
            <Properties workingFrame="" title="" firstVisibleFrame="0" 
mastergain="0.597454" hzoom="14" activeTrackNumber="1" artists="No artists 
name yet" />
                <Track OutBus="MasterOut" numtakes="0" pan="6.02071e-34" 
height="131" mute="0" InBus="Capture 3" id="1" name="Unnamed" gain="0.5" 
solo="0" >
                        <Clip id="1158150690087321370" />

If I missed anything, please let me know!

There still is some stuff left for the ReadSources part, the WriteSource still 
needs to be updated, so recording won't work at the moment.
Import should work though.

Project file has a version now, and refuses to load a project if the version 
doesn't match



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