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Re: Fwd: Re: [Traverso-devel] Thoughts on plugin strategy

From: Remon
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [Traverso-devel] Thoughts on plugin strategy
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 00:46:58 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6

> My tirade of questions was not meant to run down your ideas, actually the
> pink...erm magenta boxes are perfectly fine with me.

No problem, and I love magenta rofl 

> Ok, I see that the points I had difficulities to understand are still
>  somewhat diffuse. Couldn't the plugin boxes just disappear when switching
> to curve mode? We could have 3 layers:

I think the problem becomes more clear overhere, since it's actually what I 
try to solve.

To go back a little:

The idea was to have 3 modes: Edit, Curve and Plugin Mode.
Edit mode is the one you have seen all the time, Curve mode is the one 
recently introduced, which by default shows the Gain Curve right now.
Plugin Mode doesn't exist at the moment, plugins are showed in all modes, but 
the idea was too show them in the Plugin Mode.

While working on the Curve Mode, I realized, there were only 2 curves to 
display, gain and pan.
Jonatan then friendly pointed out that plugins _also_ can have curves, and 
that it made sense to make the gain curve a plugin, since it will have a 
place in the plugin processing chain: pre and post fader!!

So my suggestion was to merge the 2 modes into 1, Plugin Mode and Curve 
Mode -> Effect Mode

So, when we go into the Effect Mode, by < F2 >, we are able to add Effects, 
which, behind the scenes, are Plugins.

The effects will show up as magenta boxes. When you select one, it will show 
the curves as: 
* magenta boxes with the parameter name in it, place as a child item of the 
effect box, like in a (horizontal ***) tree.
* The actual curve with curvenodes in the trackview.

Since this could potentially cover a lot of trackview space, the idea is to 
lower the whole 'tree' a bit, so that the trackview becomes clearly visible.

> Layer 1 is the normal editing mode
> Layer 2 is the effects view of a certain track
> Layer 3 is the curve view of a certain plugin
> The procedure is explained in the attached screenshots.
> plug01.png is the normal editing mode.
> Switching track 1 to effects view is shown in plug02.png.
> Switching the "gain" plugin to curve mode is shown in plug03.png.
> We could use the key actions <F2> to switch all tracks to layer 2, and <F1>
>  to switch them all to layer 1.
> Does that make sense?

It's a bit different as explained above, what do you think about my idea, 
maybe it should be both possible, or something inbetween ?

> > Sometimes I wish we could talk directly, mail goes so slowly, and my
> > english isn't as good as my native language (which isn't that good either
> > (om je maar voor te zijn Ingmar :-P )
> Absolutely. But IRC isn't ideal to explain complex stuff either. It's too
>  fast for me, I need to think out my answers a bit longer...
> Oh, and please keep writing in English, otherwise my answers take even
> longer :-P





|            |
|            | 
|  Track     |
|  Panel     |           AudioClips
|            |
|            | 
|            |
              ------------- \      ------------- \     -------------\
              |   Reverb      >    | * Fader  * |  >    |  Limiter    >
              ------------- /      ------------- /     -------------/
 ----------    --------------   ----------------
 *  wet   *    *    dry     *   *      delay   *
 ----------   ---------------   ----------------

Supposed that Reverb params wet, dry and delay support curves, the Reverb box 
while selected shows the 'curve params' like this. Now you can select a curve 
box to start editing that curve.
Plugins with only one param which is a curve will by default activate the 
curve, so it can be edited (Fader comes in mind)
As you see, the effect and curves box wil hover over the track below the one 
we're editing.
The other approach would be to place them (temporarily) between the tracks.
Oh well, that's why I have in mind currently :-)

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