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Re: [Traverso-devel] Traverso audio backend & custom audio app

From: Remon
Subject: Re: [Traverso-devel] Traverso audio backend & custom audio app
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 10:16:15 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6


> i think having it done right in the beginning is mandatory for a good
> audio/recording suite.


I would _love_ to know how to do it right from the beginning, but isn't that 
supposed to only happen for version 2 ? ;-)

> > Although it might not be 100% related, we just had (have?) some
> > brainstorming on how to visualize effects (they are implemented as
> > a Plugin), select, modify them, with the Traverso interface in mind
> > [1]
> yes, envelopes are really powerful. regarding the number of envelopes
> you display: i think two are enough, you usually edit one envelope
> relative to another one. if you are editing more than one envelope,
> you can orientate on one basic one you are showing in the background.
> ableton live shows just one envelope at a time, which is sometimes not
> handy.

Would be great to have some brainstorming about this, that is expanding the 
existing one :-)

> you can select them using two pull down menus: one for the main mixer
> of the channel/track and all the effects in it and another one for the
> parameter.

If it all possible, I'm really in to integrate it visually into the 
application, and making it accessible by key actions, and not by menu's, 
though every key action will automatically be added to the 'contextual menu' 
so that's no problem.

> being able to copy envelopes is really handy. you can also edit envelopes
> on a per-clip basis. so for example, if you have two audio clips that
> you want
> to throw in your arrangement several times, you edit the envelopes in
> the clip
> and simply paste the clip into the arrangement. 

Jonatan tried to explain some time ago what he would like to have, that is 
explicit sharing of copied clips. When copying the 'base' clip, the new one 
will get most of it's parameters from the base one.
Editing the gain, edge and stuff will automagically update the copied ones.
This however doesn't work yet, though I lifted AudioClip management to Project 
level (see the project.xml format, and Project::load() and 
AudioSourcesManager class to get an idea)

> regarding the gui: i think it is better to have traverso's own widgets
> for f/x,
> that way you are not puzzled everytime you play around with f/x that
> are new
> to you. 


> > Seems like a huge dependency indeed, but it shouldn't be to hard to
> > make that something like you suggest, a plugin or something
> > similar.
> yes. as you said it all depends on the degree of integration. clam for
> example allows stretching and pitching samples as well as
> sample-annotation
> out of the box. it also comes with an integrated modular synth/fx
> engine [2],
> which could be used for most of traverso's f/x. it is also possible
> to integrate csound (libcsound5) and write "orchestra" files for all
> basic f/x needed
> and allow user-based orchestra-files to be added to the database of
> supported
> f/x. i seriously think that writing better sounding f/x than what they
> have is near
> impossible - at least from the viewpoint of a not being a dsp crackhead.
> another alternative would be using faust [2] for the design for all f/x.

The plugin 'framework'  (which for now compiles everything statically in) is 
somewhat based on the lv2 plugin structure. You might want to have a look at 
that, see if it also will work with csound, etc.
Plugins at this moment is just an object that can be placed into a 
pluginchain, which in turn can be placed into the audio processing path by 
objects like Song, Track, AudioClip etc.
Routing for this, as well for e.g. Tracks doesn't exist and it would be nice 
to make that work. It's not that hard to do, it's however a big question how 
to make it available for the user in the GUI....

> i have to see how much sparetime i currently have, i am currently busy
> with university-shiznit, work and finishing my album that i have been
> working
> on for almost two years (so that has high priority). if that works
> somehow out,
> i'd happily work on your project.

No problem, just see what you can spend on it, and great to see you here!
Will explain some more in a reply on your next mail


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