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Re: [Traverso-devel] Hint (not a question) -> How to switch debugging ON

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: Re: [Traverso-devel] Hint (not a question) -> How to switch debugging ON
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 22:49:51 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

Hi Peter,

Glad you found that, it can actually be enabled by running:

ccmake .

and toggle the various boolean options, including the WANT_TRAVERSO_DEBUG

ccmake then will generate new make files when you hit 'c' for configure, 'e' 
to exit the screen, en 'q to quit ccmake and then do the make clean and make 
to build with the new defines :)

I myself use KDevelop, cmake has a kdevelop project generator, with which it 
is easy to 'import' the project, forgot to tell that, sorry....

cmake -G KDevelop3 .

Debug messages are printed with the PENTER() PMESSAGE() PWARNING etc macros.

KDevelop has autocompletion, for autocompletion support for the Qt4.x classes, 
go to project menu in KDevelop -> Project options -> C++ support -> code 
completion databases -> follow the wizard

Good luck with the programming!


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