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Re: [Tsp-devel] Is cmake minimum required version 2.4.6 ?

From: Eric Noulard
Subject: Re: [Tsp-devel] Is cmake minimum required version 2.4.6 ?
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 16:46:03 +0100

2007/2/17, Eric Noulard <address@hidden>:
2007/2/17, Stephane GALLES <address@hidden>:
> on my system, I can't build a fresh TSP check out with cmake 2.4.3
> The cmake phase goes well, but the make phase immediatly ends with :
> make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 255
> cmake 2.4.6 works though.
> Is 2.4.6 the minimun version now ?

Should not be the case, I'm pretty sure 2.4.6 is not required
since I personnally have 2.4.5 with no problem :))

2.4.0 and up should be OK,
some features won't work but 2.4.6 should not be required
nevertheless I think cmake 2.4.3 was buggy for differents reasons.

I have checked that:
  CMake 2.4.3 fails as you noticed
              2.4.2 fails too (same error)

              2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6 are OK.

I did not test 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 or even 2.2.x
I know we NEED at least 2.4.x for CPack (and may be CTest).

I bumped required version from 2.4 to 2.4.4.
even if I know that we used some CMake 2.4.0/1/2/3 for TSP 0.8.1
on LInux and Windows but I do not want to track down
which changes in our CMakeLists.txt
breaks the previous CMake version.


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