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[Uncc-dev] polygamy

From: Helen Hicks
Subject: [Uncc-dev] polygamy
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 16:10:45 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

This has led to the advent of RSS or real simple syndication.
Information is valuable.
To keep track of the effect of my efforts to have a relatively good internet presence I use a server based statistic system on my web hotel called InSite. Some of them are good; some are bad. So posting articles is safe for now. I have built one site map in English and one in Danish. Short, but informative.
To be precise it is in Tonawanda. Right now, the search engines can punish web sites for having duplicate content, and that is an argument that many will propose.
Other online galleries like Yessy.
So if you do take part in link exchanges, please be moderate in respect to the number of exchanges you take part in.
I use Google Alerts to continuously inform me what new things of mine have been indexed.
Post only relevant comments to forums and blogs because that behavior leads to lasting link backs.
RSS is a way for you to publish your data to an XML file hosted on your site. This has led to the advent of RSS or real simple syndication. Search engine spiders, crawl the net to find what?
Short, but informative.
If I am asked to link to a Kangaroo farm in Canberra, New South Wales, Australia, I sure will do it. This has caused a massive influx of web masters who want to exchange a ton of links with the hope that it will help them in the search engines.
You are feeding them what they want.

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