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[Uncc-dev] muster

From: Wilfred Barnett
Subject: [Uncc-dev] muster
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 03:57:26 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Sharing your passion. Sharing your passion. Sharing your passion.
And, don't forget about the opportunities for referrals. And, don't forget about the opportunities for referrals.
Clicks and online tracking just make it easier to measure.
But, voicing that passion is where the ball gets dropped.
What if you discover the exact type of client that placed a very high value on what you have to offer. This allows you to search, comment on, subscribe via RSS and contribute to a growing collection of small business focused content.
Don't let your business die with the music waiting to get out.
The opportunity for fraud from almost every advertising medium has existed ever since advertising was invented. The system is the solution.
Being that they were in the creative business, what the heck, everyone take your shoes off at work. And, if you are planning to attend, please find me and say hi!
Most of the social directories have processes in place to fight spam and competitive revenge type reviews, but nothing works like a good offense.
My answer, while perhaps not the one you want to hear, is the same I give for many resources. What if you discover the exact type of client that placed a very high value on what you have to offer. Being that they were in the creative business, what the heck, everyone take your shoes off at work. I blogged about ChangeThis a few weeks ago, as a friend had a proposal going through the ChangeThis proposal process. Make sure you are building reviews from happy clients.
Clicks and online tracking just make it easier to measure.
This is a great new medium, their is no cost involved and the benefits far outweigh the little bit of work you may put in to start building your online reputation. In fact passion alone can carry a business. Being that they were in the creative business, what the heck, everyone take your shoes off at work.
This is still new territory and getting in now and becoming a leader in your community is a great way to get out in front of the moving train. This allows you to search, comment on, subscribe via RSS and contribute to a growing collection of small business focused content. net, Google Local, Yahoo Local, Insider Pages, Local Launch, Microsoft and Ingenio.

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