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[VM] Key bindings - minor reorganization

From: Uday Reddy
Subject: [VM] Key bindings - minor reorganization
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:00:17 -0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 Thunderbird/3.1.9

I have finally gathered up enough courage to do something about VM key bindings. VM uses up almost all keys that can be typed easily and assigns them to some function or other. These keys get documented in the manual and become standardized, blocking future expansion and user customization. So, the first step seems to be to remove some of the inessential key bindings from the standard VM set-up and let users bind them as they wish. There will be a function `vm-optional-keys' which will reinstall all the key bindings that will be removed. It can be easily invoked from the vm-preferences-file so that users can retain the old bindings if they wish.

My general principles behind the decisions are:

- It is desirable for a package to bind as few keys as possible so that the users will have the option of binding them or not, as they see fit.

- Commands and key bindings that are not documented in the manual will become optional.

- Commands that are used infrequently will be made optional.

- Multiple key bindings for the same commands will become optional.

With this underlying rationale, here is the list of key bindings I have come up with for moving to the optional category:

<    beginning-of-message   Not documented
>    end-of-message         Not documented
b    vm-scroll-backward     Duplicate key binding
=    vm-summarize           Redundant, `h' serves the purpose
i    vm-iconify-frame       Redundant, C-x C-z serves the purpose
!    shell-command          Redundant, M-! serves the purpose
e    vm-edit-message        Infrequent, and also mildly dangerous
L    vm-load-init-file      Infrequent
M-l  vm-edit-init-file      Infrequent and redundant
%    vm-change-folder-type  Infrequent
*    vm-burst-digest        Infrequent for most users
a    vm-set-message-attributes  Infrequent for most users
w    vm-save-message-sans-headers Infrequent for most users
M-g  vm-goto-message        Duplicate key binding

Please let me know if you seriously disagree with any of these decisions.


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