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[VM] smtp error

From: Dave Webb
Subject: [VM] smtp error
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 13:38:31 -0500
User-agent: Postbox Express 1.0.1 (Windows/20100705)

trying to use a smtp inbox for gmail. Things were going fine, but now when connecting and asking inbox to "g" get new mail, vm connects to smtp server, checks for mail, starts to download and then suddenly posts this error "vm-number-messages: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil". If there is any mail in the inbox, now it is marked as read, remains on server but does not show up in the inbox folder of vm.

this might be related to the earlier error I posted about opening window not associated with any buffer, but i don't know.

sorry for all these beginner postings but that's where I'm at.

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