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Re: [VM] vm-save-message-hook?

From: rene
Subject: Re: [VM] vm-save-message-hook?
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:18:17 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Robert Adesam <address@hidden> writes:

> What I want the trigger to do is update links in org files so they
> point to the correct vm folder when moving messages around. I usually
> create todo items from new messages with orgmode capture and inserts a
> link to the message while doing so. Then i archive the message in some
> other folder to get it out of my inbox...

That's exactly what I want to do.

Did you manage to set things up so that you can org-capture a task from your
main inbox and still org-store-link to the folder where you will store your

For the time being what I do is

 1. vm-save-message the email to the destination folder
 2. vm-visit-folder destination
 3. open that email
 4. org-capture + org-store-link to that email

It's a bit painful.

I would rather have use an org-capture template that would let me 
 a. chose the destination folder for the current email
 b. and create a new task with the right destination link stored.


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