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Using a new section in 1.6.0's ignore.list causes ALL changes to be igno

From: Kingsley G. Morse Jr.
Subject: Using a new section in 1.6.0's ignore.list causes ALL changes to be ignored
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 07:42:09 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i


First of all, I'd like to express my appreciation
of websec. 

It seems to me that being automatically told about
updates to certain parts of the world wide web
will, someday, be vitally important to our day to
day lives.  

Toward that end, I've started using version 1.6.0,
and I'm puzzled by how sections in ignore.list
seem to work. 

Specifically, it seems to me that whenever I add

1.) a new section to ignore.list (containing
any keyword) and 

2.) an entry in url.list refers to that new

ALL changes are ignored!

I expected websec to only ignore changes to
paragraphs containing the new keyword.

Here's my code that causes websec to ignore ALL
changes to URLs.

    My new section in ignore.list:


    My new entry in url.list:

    URL = <my test URL goes here>
    Name = ignore test
    Prefix = ignore-test
    Ignore = Toppertest

Suggestions welcome.



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